Blissdom 2012 - Sisterchicks at GNO

It seems I didn’t take a single picture of my child last month. I did manage to snap a few at Blissdom, though!

Last month, I bragged about how January had been so awesome. In the spirit of resolutions and fresh starts, I was organized and healthy and, basically, all-around awesome. Enter February.

A solid week of unrelenting headaches, followed shortly by a full week of stomach flu and then several days out of town pretty much wrecked any momentum I had. January Mary totally had it together. February Mary hasn’t checked a single thing off her to-do list in days.

All that to say: my 4-year-old wasn’t the only person in this house excited to flip the calendar to a new month! (Seriously. I don’t know what they tell her at preschool, but she gets crazy giddy excited about starting a new month. As in, running in circles, singing, “It’s a new month! It’s a new month!” and begging me to pretty please turn the page on her Veggie Tales calendar. Yes, it is a Big Deal here.)

February wasn’t a total wash, though. Here’s what I was into during the thankfully short month of February.

What I’m Reading:
As usual, I have an eclectic group of books hanging out on my bedside table. I couldn’t wait another minute and actually bought Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus, book two) by Rick Riordan. Of course, that just means I now have months and months to wait for book three. See, this right here is why I waited a decade before starting Harry Potter.

I also read, thanks to a reader suggestion, Sandstorm by James Rollins. I’ll be honest; it was a slow read for me (which is not normal). I did enjoy it, though, as it reminded me of Indiana Jones and Romancing the Stone movies . . . just without the sly sense of amusement and sarcastic wit I appreciate in those films. I might read the next book in this series, but I’m not really in any hurry.

Finally, I read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling last week. It was really funny and insightful, although not as much – on either count – as Tina Fey’s Bossypants.

What I’m Watching:
Yeah, that’s right. I’ve gotten hooked on another silly teeny bopper show on ABC Family. I’m not ashamed, but I will certainly understand if you feel the need to mock.

I’m still watching my regulars (Once Upon a Time, How I Met Your Mother, Hart of Dixie, Castle, NCIS, New Girl, Parks & Recreation and Up All Night), and I’m debating the addition of Smash to that list. I’ve watched the first two episodes, but now that I’m behind, I don’t know how motivated I am to catch up. Are you watching it? Is it worth catching up?

Last week White Collar had its winter finale, and it was awesome. I can’t wait for it to return in the summer, although its absence does free up time to watch Psych. I don’t actually love Psych as much as I used to, but I will keep watching for the pop culture references alone.

And now, yes, I’ve been watching Jane by Design, a new show on ABC Family about a high school girl who gets mistaken for an adult and hired as an assistant to a fashion designer. Yes, it’s ridiculous. Yes, I love it. Yes, I am way more invested in the darned show than any adult should be and dying for next week’s finale.


What I’m Eating:
Vegetables, lots and lots of vegetables. After hearing about the [annoying and yes, I am jealous] success my friend Jill has had with the 17-Day Diet, I’ve convinced Smitty to go very low carb with me for the next three weeks. I didn’t buy the book, so I won’t be following it exactly. But I’ve stocked up on green tea and yogurt, and I’m looking forward (um, kind of) to a stretch of soup, salad and grilled chicken.

Hold me.

Seriously, prepare yourself for whining and signs of sugar withdrawal. This is bound to get ugly. (But, you know, hopefully healthy, too.)

What I’m Listening to:
What else other than a little Daydream Believer, Last Train to Clarksville and the Monkee’s other greatest hits? I’ll admit, I’m a child of the 80s and I remember Davy Jones from guest roles on My Two Dads and The Brady Bunch, but I also watched more than my share of reruns of the Monkees and, thanks to my mom and her stellar choice in car tunes, can sing along with almost all of their biggest songs.

What I’m Looking Forward to:
Mark and I have tickets to see Jim Gaffigan live in a couple weeks, and I. Cannot. Wait. He is, by far, my favorite comedian, and I can’t wait to spend a couple hours laughing hysterically with my husband.

What have you been into (reading, watching, eating, listening to) the past month?

This post was inspired by Sorta Crunchy’s monthly post. And it contains affiliate links.


What should you watch next?


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