Recipe for Homemade Taco Seasoning

A lot of my friends are extremely healthy eaters. I’m not sure the technical term, but I call them “whole foodies.” Or, sometimes, “weirdos.”

{I’m kidding. I don’t call you weirdos. Really.}

So while I used to think it was bizarre to make your own crackers, salad dressing or bread, now it seems completely normal. I’m not saying I do all these things, but I understand the reasoning behind it and have been taking baby steps over the past couple of years to make more things myself and buy fewer foods that have lots of preservatives, sodium, sugars or other bad-for-you stuff.

I’m not saying I’m milling my own wheat or anything. I’m not even saying that “milling wheat” is a thing. Now that I typed that, it feels wrong and I’m pretty sure I will be soundly mocked after I hit publish. But that’s kind of my point. I’m not an expert on this kind of healthy eating (as opposed to the counting-points variation of healthy eating).

But one thing I have done is start making my own taco seasoning.

I said I’m taking baby steps! (Then again, you know how often I eat Mexican food, so it’s not the tiniest step I could take.)

I asked my whole foodie friends what recipe they used, and I tried a few out. This recipe from Food Renegade was the winner at my house.

Homemade Taco Seasoning

1 tbsp chili powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder or minced onion
1/4 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
1/2 tsp paprika
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp salt

Mix all the ingredients together. Add to one pound of browned hamburger with about a cup of water.

Now, a word of caution: This seasoning is a tad bit spicy. And if you happen to use enough for three pounds of hamburger on only two pounds? Well, you’re going to need some milk. Or water. Depending on your level of mouth-on-fire tolerance.

Do you make anything “from scratch?” Are you a whole foodie?

This post will be linked to Mouthwatering Monday, Made by You Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Tuesdays at the Table, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, 33 Shades of Green, Works for Me Wednesday, What I Whipped Up Wednesday, I’m Lovin’ It, Foodie Friday and Show and Tell Saturday.

This post may be linked to these amazing carnivals and link parties.


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Recipe for Homemade Taco Seasoning
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