I know. I don’t have a TV blog anymore. But sometimes? Like during February sweeps and season finale season? I kind of miss it.
So let’s talk about season finales. Just for a minute. It’s Friday, after all. What else were you going to do today?
Once Upon a Time: I Can. Not. Wait. to see how they write the next season of this show! After watching the whole season with the premise of fairytale characters not remembering who they are, I just don’t know what they’re going to do now that the characters have their memories back.
About the finale specifically, it wasn’t actually my favorite episode. I don’t buy Prince Charming in Storybrooke, even with his memory back. He’s been a real schmuck in our world. Is he just going to magically turn into an actual charming prince of a man? I just don’t know. As for the bad guys, they are SO GOOD at being bad! Mr. Gold and Regina manage to be multifaceted but still despicable, and it is delicious.
How I Met Your Mother: Robin is marrying Barney! Sometime in the future! Unless there’s another twist! Okay, three major developments to discuss here. First of all, Barney is currently engaged to the wrong woman – awesome. Second of all, Lily and Marshall had a baby and his name is Marvin WaitForIt Ericson – totally awesome. And thirdly, Ted decided to run off with Victoria on the day of her wedding – so not awesome. This is the first time I haven’t loved the Victoria character, and this whole thing was incredibly disappointing. Two out of three isn’t quite legendary, but still pretty good.
Hart of Dixie: I love this show. It got pretty bad reviews, but I find it delightful. It reminds me of Gilmore Girls and Ed, so how could it be wrong? And the finale? A great ending to a great first season. I love that the wedding didn’t happen. I love that Wade and Zoe did. And the ending with a brand-new George-Zoe-Wade triangle was the best kind of painful that a finale should be.
Castle: You know I love procedurals. And this is by far my favorite one. Unlike certain other shows, Castle only took four seasons to put its two main characters together. Next season will have a lot of consequences, I’m sure, from Castle and Beckett’s new relationship and from Beckett quitting her job. I can’t wait to see what happens.
NCIS: It pains me to say it, especially since I’m literally watching an NCIS marathon as I write this, but I found this season a little ho-hum. Maybe it’s because I’ve been watching for so long. Maybe it’s because I do love Castle more. But aside from the addition of Jamie Lee Curtis (which I mostly loved), this season was boring. The finale, though? Not boring at all. Ducky having a heart attack on the beach, alone, while the rest of the team was in the office when a bomb hit it was the opposite of ho-hum. And after reading that not all the actors have renewed their contracts, I’m nervous to see who makes it and who doesn’t!
New Girl: I loved this new show. I don’t love the word, “adorkable.” Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Nick and Jess. Do you think they should become a couple? Now? And how much do you love Schmidt? For me, I’m all for Nick+Jess, at least for a while, and Schmidt is my absolute favorite.
Psych: This is another one of my favorites that is starting to lose my interest. I know! I hate saying that. I do. I love Shawn and Gus and the whole crew and all their pop culture references and crazy nicknames and 80s covers while the credits roll. But I think this one might be nearing the end of its run. However, we’re talking finales today, and I have to admit that watching Henry (Shawn’s dad) get shot in the chest in the last few seconds of the show was a huge shock! Way to make sure I tune in for one more season, Psych.
Community: Well, the Internet is awash with the news of Dan Harmon leaving the show. I guess if I still had a TV blog, I’d have to weigh in on the big controversy. But since I don’t, I will just talk about those last three episodes. I’m one of the few people who love Community but don’t love the high concept episodes like the video game ep. I also have been annoyed with the whole Chang character since, oh, I don’t know, he started. But while I thought the video game episode was blah, I thought the Change episode was really funny. And the last episode, with Evil Abed and Good Jeff, was awesome. It was obviously written as a possible series finale, and I loved how it wrapped everything up – and not in a dark timeline.
Parks & Recreation: Could I love this show any more than I already do? No. I really could not. Although I thought that before, and then they added Paul Rudd. I loved The Debate episode more than the actual finale, but just barely. Leslie’s win was perfect, and really, the whole episode was. Yes. You’re right. I’m gushing a bit. This is a Parks & Rec love fest. Deal with it.
Up All Night: This show ended several weeks ago, and I didn’t even realize it was the finale when I watched it. But I’m including it because I so, so loved the Chris and Reagan second proposal stuff. So cute and so romantic. The Ava half of this show needs a lot of work. I hope they fix it before next season – and I hope they keep everything that made the Reagan half work so well.
What season finales did you watch this year? Which ones did you love? Which ones did you not love so much?
Oh yeah – also – what will you be watching this summer? I’ll be watching So You Think You Can Dance, Warehouse 13, Franklin & Bash, White Collar, Covert Affairs and Burn Notice (maybe. My interest in this one is waning.). I’m also hoping to find Downton Abbey online or on DVD. It’s time I found out what the buzz is about! And, okay, I’m only a little embarrassed to admit that I’ll be watching Jane by Design and Melissa & Joey. Yep. Sure will.
What shows will you be watching this summer?
This post will be linked to Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings.
L-o-v-e-d the Castle finale. Marlowe has cemented his spot as my all time favorite showrunner. (Although I kind of wish they would just finish off Beckett’s mom’s case at this point. I’m kinda over it.) I am so excited about next season. Established couples are my favorite thing to watch.
The How I Met Your Mother finale was only okay. I haven’t been super happy about how they’ve handled the show since Tick, Tick, Tick. Too much fake mystery about Whoooo’s the Briiiiiide??? when it was clearly Robin. It’s always been Robin. (Which I’m stoked about!) I also wasn’t happy with the Victoria storyline. They’re doing to Victoria what Ugly Betty did to Henry. Keep bringing back a character I adored until I’m forced to hate them.
Parks was delightful, as always. Leslie voting for herself, the Washington Monument thing, “I never wrote it”, it was all so lovely! Though I was hoping Chris would be the one to go to D.C., because I’m totally over his character. Ugh. And also NO to Tom and Ann moving in together. Tom is SO gross in their relationship and it’s really off-putting. I don’t know what happened because he was fine in his relationship with Lucy, but the Tom/Ann thing just needs to stop. And they really need to give Ann a storyline that’s not centered around a man. Oh this ended up sounding so negative, but those are really minor complaints, I love the show as a whole!
Oooooh, such good points here! Yes, Marlowe is an excellent showrunner in my opinion, and I can’t wait for next season. I stopped watching Ugly Betty for a while, so I didn’t start hating Henry too much. But I get your point and totally agree! And oooooooohhhhh, I’d forgotten about “I never wrote it.” I LOVED THAT!!! Ben is just about the sweetest EVER. (As opposed to Tom who, yes, is simply gross.)
I was surprised by the OUAT ending. I think Mr. Gold is my favorite character! I’m still trying to figure out what the purple cloud covering was and why Regina smiled in the last scene. Am I missing something? And I almost cried at the Pinocchio scene:(
I’ve wanted to start the Psych series – I think that shall be a summer Netflix project:)
Have a great weekend!
Definitely get Psych on Netflix! It is soooo funny! I’ve been watching since the beginning, so I am getting a little tired of it. But that’s a very recent development. I’ve truly loved the whole show!
OUAT: I have no idea what they’re going to do next season but I’m excited to find out! There are so many possibilities now that both memories and magic are back. I can’t believe Gold has learned nothing from his time in Storybrooke and still thirsts for more power- even with Belle in front of his face.
Hart of Dixie- I loved the finale! I’ve wanted Wade and Zoe to get together for awhile now and I’m worried that Wade will get his heart broken now that George has wised up. It’s weird seeing Zoe so desperate for George- I just don’t see the appeal. He wanted to marry Lemon, for pete’s sake!
NCIS- Somehow I missed the finale but this was the first year that I tried to watch the show, after getting sucked into so many marathons. I love Gibbs. And interestingly, I did not like the addition of Jamie Lee Curtis’s character, which is maybe why I wasn’t as diligent watching once she was introduced.
New Girl- I adore Schmidt! He cracks me up. I kind of want Nick and Jess to get together but I kind of don’t. If the writers intend to do so, I don’t want them to drag it out a la Ross and Rachel.
Psych- I still love it. And the finale made me die with shock! I hope Henry is OK. That scene between him and Shawn was so touching and I’d like to see whether their dynamics change because of it.
Parks & Rec: I may or may not have cried during the finale. I literally love this show so much!
The other finale I was amazed by was Revenge. I can’t believe you don’t watch it! I’m excited for the return of So You Think You Can Dance. And you absolutely must track down Downton Abbey!
I was disappointed in Gold, too. I thought he’d learned something. I almost referenced Ross and Rachel when writing about New Girl. I am NOT in favor of that dynamic. Either together. Or not. I can’t believe I didn’t watch Revenge, too! But since I’ve resisted for a whole season, I probably won’t start now. Downton Abbey, though, is another story altogether…!
Loved the Castle finale!! I’m also curious as to the consequences of their finally hooking up and her not having a job.
LOVE Schmidt! Love him! I think Jess and Nick need to wait to get together. They’re both damaged goods right now.
Watched the Glee finale too and was incredibly underwhelmed. They chose to have Gloria Estefon guest during it, and I think that was kind of inappropriate b/c it required giving her scenes for screentime. Except- they were completely unnecessary scenes for the storyline, so really it just ate up precious time that SHOULD have been devoted to important storyline moments, or characters that are leaving the show. I felt like it was really sloppy writing, a lot of emotional moments fell way short, and also characters received some unceremonious goodbyes due to time. It felt rushed and sloppy, which I was disappointed about.
Haha – you don’t have an opinion on Glee, do you? ;) I actually didn’t watch all season, but in general I agree about stunt casting getting in the way of the actual story and stars. It’s too bad they had to end on that note. Oh. Um, pun not really intended. :)
First off, thank you for still including Chuck in your picture at the top. :) Still totally miss that show and loved, loved, loved that finale!!
Only ones above that I watch are HIMYM, New Girl, and NCIS. So here are my thoughts:
New Girl: didn’t realize it was the finale as it was happening, but it makes sense based on how it ended. I think Nick & Jess should end up together but NOT now! Get a couple together too early and it always kills the show. And yet it feels SO stinking obvious that they should be together. If not handled right, it could end up similar to the Ross/Rachel thing in Friends. Which was great and worked well for that show, but should be left alone and New Girl should not try to emulate what they did. Schmidt has some total grossness to him that I don’t like, but he’s such a HOOT, I love it! Honestly my favorite is Nick. Not just because I think he’s cute, but really because I think his physical comedy and weirdness is so relate-able (probably because I get a bit crazy and can act that goofy and ‘off’…without any alcohol LOL!). I think they’re all pretty great, I just don’t like some of the vulgar, sexual stuff they get into, but I also appreciate the realness and weirdness of the show. I do think Schmidt & whats-her-face are great together. It’s not every day that a supermodel, gorgeous woman wants a guy like that. I love that.
HIMYM: I had to watch it twice, I couldn’t figure out how I felt about it. I was so excited to watch it, and while parts of it were funny, exciting, and per-the-norm for the show, I walked away just feeling… blah. Real aspects to the baby stuff that I appreciated but also some stuff that was like “yeah right…” and annoyance over Ted’s thing with Victoria. Robin & Barney – woot!!! That made me happy. I know they’re wrapping up storylines for ending the show next year, but still it wasn’t all wrapped up this season like I thought it should be. Granted, this was our first full year watching it, so what do I know?! ;)
NCIS: I LOVE this show. I’m such a geek. I could watch it constantly and pretty much still feel happy. :) I love the tension between Tony & Ziva. I love Gibbs & Curtis’s relationship together. I think they’ve made really good strides. I loved the finale but also screamed and freaking out. I love Duckie!! It was definitely a gripping finale, and I’ll hate it if anyone leaves, but since the show has been doing so well, you know someone’s holding out for more money… ugh. But I admit I really enjoyed this season…I’m bad at telling if I enjoyed it less or more than a previous year though, I tend to watch shows and forget what happened shortly after. :( Anyway, looking forward to next season – hopefully they have even more in store for us! I actually enjoyed NCIS:LA this year more than I think NCIS but I sitll love them both!
Thanks for a great recap. :) My favorite episodes of the year toward the end was the Hawaii Five-O & NCIS:LA two night cross-over. It was AWESOME!!!!! :)
Haha! I decided at the last minute to write about Up All Night instead of Chuck, since I wrote about Chuck right after it was over. But I forgot to take it out of the image. I think I’m good with that. :)
Agree on Nick and Jess and not doing it yet. Mostly. (I’m not so patient. :) ) As for NCIS, I could watch reruns all day long. I just wasn’t wowed by this season as much as I’ve been in past current seasons. (Does that even make sense? I still love it enough to watch reruns all the time. But I want more…something…from new episodes. I’m such a high-maintenance fan!)
Absolutely LOVE Hart of Dixie and I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’m wondering how OUAT is going to keep going and stay so good.