Are you living in community?
That question sure seems to be popular right now. The encouragement to develop authentic, doing-life-together relationships with people, the chastisement to stop hiding, stop being afraid of getting hurt – it’s all the rage, isn’t it?
So we’re all plodding along, pushing through our fears, our nerves, our past experience that tells us people can be challenging and relationships can be complicated. We’re accepting invitations, asking hard questions, offering a hand or a hug to someone who needs it.
But how do you know when you’re finally doing it, when you’re doing life together, when you’re living in community?
True community can be elusive, like the unicorn or Smurfs. But after searching for it so long with such determination, you want to know when you’ve found it, am I right?! Lucky for you, I’ve figured out exactly how to know when you’ve really found community – and I’m happy to share.
To read my take on how to know if you’ve found community, visit (in)courage. [Hint: It involves poison ivy. Again.]
(in)courage wants to hear your story about finding community today, and everyone who comments or links up a blog post will be entered to win a brand-spanking-new DayBrightener (perpetual calendar) from (in)courage. It’s full of lovely quotes from the (in)courage community, including me! [Can I just tell you how excited I am about this? SO. VERY. EXCITED!!!]
So, go on. Click over.
You’re quoted on a calendar?! That is awesome!! I may have to buy it just for that reason!