Fingerpainted Thanksgiving Cards

This post was originally published last November.

I’m not a very crafty person. But my daughter loves anything crafty. She refuses to color inside the lines, but she begs for her scissors and markers every single day. And not a day goes by without me finding stickers on another surface that should not be covered in stickers.

So last fall, I decided we’d make some Thanksgiving cards. And we’d do it with finger paints. Yeah, I was a real good mom that day!

I learned the turkey technique from a post at Make and Takes. It seems so simple, so common sense now that I’ve done it. But if I hadn’t read that post, I’m not sure I would have figured it out on my own.

Just in case you’re like me, let me tell you what to do. You get a paper plate and paint a hand turkey on it. Then you place your little turkey’s hand in the paint and stamp onto the card. Like so:

We stamped our turkeys on plain brown kraft paper cards, and I used some letter stickers to write “Gobble” on the front of the card. Then I adhered a small photo of my craft kiddo on the inside and wrote, “This turkey is thankful for YOU.”

I’m not sure how the card recipients liked our little project, but it’s one of my favorite crafts ever! Simple, fun crafts work for me – and my color-outside-the-lines, let’s-make-a-book, can-we-do-another-project-today daughter.

Are you crafty? Do you like finger painting?


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Fingerpainted Thanksgiving Cards
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