I don’t really know what that means, but I like saying it. I crack myself up every time I do. Anyway.
I’ve got big news to share. Big. News! Are you ready? Drum roll . . . and now you should probably lower your expectations . . . more drumming . . .
I finally got a DVR.
Yeah. I totally did. Finally! Do you realize that if you search “VCR” on my blog, you’ll get four pages of results? FOUR. PAGES. Heh. I really have loved that thing.
When Mark unhooked our old TV and hooked up the new one, he didn’t even flinch when he pushed the VCR aside. He took it out to the garage like it was no big deal. NO BIG DEAL?!
Now, look. I am super excited about the DVR. As soon as the cable guys left yesterday (after a five-hour stay at my house, during which they used my bathroom and asked me for a drink – IS THIS NORMAL?), I set that puppy up to record all my favorite shows. And Doc McStuffins and Veggie Tales.
But then I thought to myself, after a devastating weigh-in post-Thanksgiving, “I need to work out. I think I’ll do my Tae-Bo tape . . . my Tae-Bo TAPE . . . my OH NO!”
I may have gotten a little misty at that moment.
I also really wanted to cry when I realized that after decorating the top of my entertainment center for 10 years or more, I no longer have a place to put my picture frames and candles and nativity scenes.
Don’t worry. I moved those pretty things to a bookcase and got over it.
But then I realized that despite the TWO HUNDRED channels we now have (My husband, upon realizing we have the Speed channel, about cars: “Oh, I’m so excited about this one.”), we no longer have the Hallmark Channel. And during the holiday TV movie season! The humanity!
Clearly I’ve been experiencing some DVR-induced emotional whiplash. (This should come as no surprise, if you recall my haircut choices after the major life changes of getting new glasses and a new-to-me car.
So there you have it. I have a DVR now, and it is awesome. It doesn’t play my Tae-Bo tape. But it can find and record every episode of Friends out there. I think I’ll take it.
What shows do you DVR?
I will soldier on as a VCR user without you, Mary. And pretend I’m not jealous of your new DVR. :)
And I will try to avoid gushing about how amahzing it is… ;)
How can it not have the Hallmark channel?? What are you going to do??? It’s like you won’t be Mary anymore.
I know. What kind of world am I living in now???
This cracks me up. We don’t even have cable, so we are way at the other end of the tv viewing thing. I do watch Grays Anatomy pretty faithfully though. It’s mommy’s quiet time.
Mommy needs her down time! :)
We’ve been watching seasons of shows on Netflix, so our DVR currently only records “Parenthood” and “The Good Wife.” I’m thinking it may be set to record the upcoming season of “The Bachelor” because, well, Sean is the contestant and I want the nice guy to win … er … fall in love.
Winning…falling in love…it’s all the same thing, right? ;)
My husband and I have joked that DVR is the best invention since the Internet. We love it! Since we usually only have a small window of tv viewing after our son finally goes to bed and before we collapse ourselves, it is great to be able to skip through commercials and watch a show in 2/3 the time. We mostly DVR shows like How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory that just make us laugh, but we also watch Revenge and Parenthood when we have time – usually long after they’ve aired! Oh, and Downton Abbey will be back in January- probably my favorite show ever!
Yes! I can’t wait for Downton Abbey to return!!! I watched it for the first time on Hulu this summer and was so sad to realize a new season wouldn’t start for months!
Well, I wrote a response earlier, but alas, the computer “ate it.” I find this ironic because part of it complained about our cable and internet service. It must have been my internet conspiring against me. What I said was that our cable guys never use the bathroom and always refuse if I offer them a beverage on a hot day. They’ve never been here that long, but in about three years, we’ve had no less than 12 cable guys here for various problems. Oddly enough, they’ve never been the same guy. I’d think that the cable company would run out of newbies in our rotation. Needless to say, we have cable issues. In fact, the cable guy was here on monday working on our newly added phone line. We didn’t even have a home phone but added it to our bundle to save about $15 per month. Go figure?
I’m so sorry for your loss of the Hallmark Channel. Maybe, just maybe, ABC Family can pull you through the holidays.
And, be aware, when your DVR fails you, and sadly to say, it will sometime, you will miss your VCR a little bit. You’ll come home in a few months expecting “Heart of Dixie” to be there, and it just won’t be…for no apparent reason. However, the pros outway the cons. Congrats!
Oh my goodness, that is a whole lot of visits from the cable guy. And really? Never the same one twice? So weird. As for future DVR failures, I will brace myself. I think I’ll be okay, though, because every show I watch is online at some point. I think. Losing the Hallmark Channel, though . . . I’m not sure even ABC Family can ease that pain.
Love my DVr!!! And there are work out channels too!!! I have had my share of haircut drama too!!!
That coming from a former stylist!! Ahh imagine if you will;)!!! Love your blog!
I was wondering about fitness channels. I need to look for those!
I must admit, I’m a little shocked that you didn’t have a DVR before now. I’m pretty sure you’ll love it! :)
I know, pretty amazing, right? And yet, between my VCR and my laptop, I have still managed to watch A LOT of TV! ;)
As much as you enjoy television, I am surprised you didn’t have a DVR sooner. I’ve had one since 2008, and I can’t imagine life without it now. I watch shows when *I* want to watch them and don’t have to wonder if I set the VCR as long as I have a season pass. One word of advice: don’t feel obligated to watch everything you have recorded or fell like you have to watch them as soon as possible. It may sound like silly advice, but you’ll soon discover the stress that occurs when you have 20 shows to watch.
Oh, and my favorite DVR activity is to search for ALLLLL the Christmas movies, cartoons and specials and record them. I may n
I may not get through all of them, but I love watching soooo many of them that they comfort me just being there to watch when I need some extra Christmas spirit. I’ve also been know to so something similar with Sex and the City, as well as Hoarders, but obviously for different reasons. Hoarders is great for inspiring me to clean my house.
I guess that I am now one the few last people with a VCR still.
Enjoy your DVR and laugh at all those Friends episodes that I am missing!