What have I been into this month? Well, obviously not blogging, thanks for bringing it up again. And honestly, I’m not sure what I’ve been into or up to or WHERE DID THE MONTH GO?

I know, I know. It’s such a cliche to talk about the flying time. But this short month, with its Superbowl and Valentine’s Day and road trip and snow days (SO MANY SNOW DAYS), has felt shorter than most. I did manage to pack some reading, watching, eating and listening into February’s 28 short days, though.

For all my complaining about snow days, I actually love having lots of snow on the ground for a change. I don’t want it to be here forever, and I’m extremely thankful for a husband who shovels (and a friend who sends over her husband when mine is out of town). But when it comes to sitting inside, drinking hot chocolate and watching the flurries fly? Well, I’m a fan.

[By the way, are we Instagram friends? If so, you probably already saw the photo above from the morning of our first snowstorm. And if not, well, why not?]

What I’m Reading:
My non-fiction reading has slowed down a bit, but I’m almost through Deep & Wide by Andy Stanley. It’s confirming a lot of things I’m learning about doing church at my church, but also teaching me a lot about being a communicator in general. I pretty much love it. And a couple weeks ago (thanks to a friend who generously let me borrow his copy, even though that means I can’t underline or highlight anything), I started reading Platform by Michael Hyatt. Hopefully I’ll finish both of those books this month, as well as Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (which I just had to renew, because it was due back to the library and I’ve read about one paragraph).

I’ve also discovered the world of self-published novels on my Kindle Fire. But, so far, there’s nothing more to say about that. I’ve got plenty to say about Shades of Earth, the third book in Beth Revis’s Across the Universe trilogy, however. I loved it! It was kind of like the YA version of Jurassic Park – except not. If you like sci-fi and/or fantasy of the YA variety, I highly recommend this series.

One more book I recommend? My friend Holley Gerth’s new book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream. Before I met Holley I didn’t know about God-sized dreams. I just knew I had a lot of ideas and thoughts and feelings. Reading her new book is like sitting down with Holley, baring your soul to an encouraging friend, and walking away motivated and inspired to follow your new plan to pursue those dreams God has given you. It’s a good read, an enjoyable (though I wouldn’t say easy) read, and an important read. If you have dreams, read this.

What I’m Watching:
So, last month I told you about the movies I’d seen recently. And some people brought it to my attention that I’d abandoned my first love. {That would be television.} Well, fear not, dear readers. I have not stopped watching the TV. Are you kidding? I just got a DVR! I can watch more TV than ever!

I’m not actually watching more TV than ever. But I could. I am, however, watching about the same amount as usual. Here are my favorite (or at least the most notable) TV things from this past month:

1. Parks & Recreation wedding – just perfection. Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt are simply adorable. And they make me smile. I mean, just look at them up there.

2. Psych is back. Psych is back!! I’ve missed Shawn and Gus, and I’m glad to have their silly nicknames, pop culture references, slap fights and snacks back on my TV every week.

3. Do you watch Suits? I thought the first season was boring, so I never got into it. And then the second season happened. I don’t know what changed, but I am HOOKED. Although . . . I’ll admit it’s pretty cheesy at times. Or, all the time. I’m pretty sure that a drinking game that requires you to drink every time someone speaks in cliches WOULD GET YOU SMASHED. Or, running to the bathroom, should you choose to drink sweet tea instead of something stronger. Either way, cliched or not, I love Suits and the season finale was excellent.

4. How I Met Your Mother was renewed for another season. Much as I have loved this show (a LOT), I think it’s time for this one to call it quits. Not that I’ll stop watching. Because I won’t. Ever. Until the end. Which should happen soon.

5. Downton Abbey, season three, has come and gone. Yeah, I know. It happened. And it was awful. Or wonderful. I don’t know, okay? BECAUSE I HAVEN’T WATCHED IT YET. Please, no spoilers. Yes, I realize that’s ridiculous and I need to just carve out 7 hours and watch it already. I will. But until I do? Please, please, please don’t tell me what happened!

6. The kisses. OH MY WORD, the kisses! New Girl and Nashville both had monumental kissing scenes this last month. It’s possible that I rewatched said scenes with my fancy DVR. Or not. I’m not admitting anything.

7. And then there’s Arrow. You guys. It’s awful. AWFUL! And yet, I can’t stop watching it. SOMEONE, PLEASE MAKE ME STOP WATCHING IT! I don’t even know why I’m still watching it. But I am.

What I’m Eating/Cooking:
I have not cooked anything interesting. Nothing. At all. But when we took a road trip to visit our friends Josh and Brittany a couple weeks ago, Brittany tried out a few new recipes on us. [Thank you, Pinterest. And, by the way, are we Pinterest friends? WHY not??] Anyway, all the new recipes were good, but my favorite was definitely the strawberry bruschetta.

I’m going to be honest with you. When Brittany told me the breakfast plan was strawberry bruschetta, I wasn’t real excited. I like strawberries and all, but bruschetta is not my favorite. So I wasn’t sure how this could possibly top the breakfast casserole she made the last time we visited.

But I was wrong. Strawberry bruschetta? Is ah-maze-ing. And I can’t wait to make it. And eat it. A lot.

Finally, let’s talk about videos. Yeah, let’s. Because have I mentioned that my laptop is sort of, halfway broken? It is. And one of its most annoying symptoms is its lack of video-playing ability. That’s right. I can’t watch videos on my computer right now. And I haven’t been able to for several weeks.

The horror!

Do you know what that means? That means I have missed out on the goats. And the Harlem Shake. And the replaying of my favorite Superbowl commericals. Yep, missed it all. So if you thought this would be the point at which I would link you up to the trendiest, funniest videos of the day, you would be wrong.

[Insert sad trombone here.]

I do have this for you. I love this commercial. Probably because Annalyn has such an active imagination. And maybe a little bit because the song is catchy. The comments on YouTube call it creepy, though. So that’s a bummer. I still love it. Do you?

What were you into in February?

I’m linking up with HopefulLeigh’s What I’m Into. And this post has affiliate links.


What should you watch next?


Every month, we are bombarded with new TV series and movies—and it can be overwhelming to figure out what to watch! (I know, I know, what a problem to have!) I'm here to help. My monthly Watch Guides list out all the returning series, new series, and new movies, along with premiere dates and where to watch them. Plus, I tell you my personal picks for the month to help you narrow it all down.

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Mary Carver
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