This post is sponsored by Clorox and The Motherhood.

I just don’t understand. I wait and I wait. I leave food out. I even ask nicely. And still, the cleaning fairies don’t come to my house.

They don’t visit. They don’t call. And they certainly don’t empty my dishwasher or fold my laundry.

It doesn’t make sense. I’ve seen those commercials – the ones with the bubbles? The bubbles that talk AND CLEAN YOUR BATHTUB WHILE YOU’RE GONE? It turns out those animated bubbles aren’t real. Yeah. I know. The shock, it is unbearable.

I’ve tried some fancy cleaning products. You know what happens when I spray my bathtub and walk away? White streaks appear in my otherwise Not White tub. Granted, the bathroom briefly smells lovely, but my porcelain (and plastic) is certainly not sparkling.

So, in case you’re just now joining us, my house is being visited by neither cleaning fairies nor magical cartoon bubbles. And since that leaves the cleaning business to me, my house is kind of filthy.

Not messy. At least, not always. I can usually keep the clutter at least tamed, if not permanently eliminated. But actual cleaning? The kind that requires spray bottles and sponges and rags and brooms? Yeahhhh, I hate it. And so I haven’t been doing it.

Last fall, I thought I had a solution. A friend told me about the woman who cleaned her house, and I decided that I could scrape enough money out of our budget to have her clean my house, too.

Unfortunately, the woman who cleaned my friend’s house is allergic to cats. Which is kind of ironic – or annoying; I always question my use of the word “ironic,” thank you Alanis Morrissette – considering my cats create a solid majority of the dirt in my house.

Not to worry, she recommended another cleaning lady, who I promptly called and scheduled. She was super duper nice, but alas, didn’t clean my house the way I wanted.

Which is ironic – or ridiculous [side note: I really need to learn the proper usage of the word “ironic.”] – considering I’M not cleaning my house the way I want, either.

So, now I’m back to cleaning my own house (or not cleaning it…).

I’m not happy about that, but I will tell you one thing: Cleaning products that actually do what they promise – especially if they make cleaning easier! – help me hate this situation a little bit less.


The new SMART TUBE® TECHNOLOGY is a built-in tube that reaches all the way to the bottom of the bottle, putting an end to the frustration of wasting the last little bit of cleaning product you paid good money for! Clorox also points out that this technology gives consumers the satisfaction of spraying every last drop.

Well, I cannot argue with that! If I ever get to the end of a bottle of cleaning product (especially one like Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner + Bleach or Formula 409 Cleaner that actually gets my house CLEAN), I will definitely feel satisfied. And, you know, like I finally conquered my aversion to cleaning!

The new Clorox spray bottles equipped with SMART TUBE® TECHNOLOGY also feature a new and improved trigger that makes it easier to spray to your heart’s content.

Here’s the real good news. [No, I’m not sending actual cleaning fairies your way. Sorry.] Clorox is giving away five bottles of cleaning product with this fancy, handy new technology to one lucky Giving Up on Perfect reader.

To enter the giveaway: Leave a comment telling me one thing that would make cleaning easier for you. And do it now, because this giveaway will close at midnight (CST) on Tuesday, April 9.

This post is brought to you by Clorox and The Motherhood, and I’ve been compensated for my time. However, all opinions [and aversions to cleaning] are my own.


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