I don’t like video games. I don’t. Growing up, we never had a gaming system (even an Atari, because YES, I am that old). The only time I played Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt was when I babysat a family that had a Nintendo – and only rarely, because it was super embarrassing to be beat by kindergartner.

They got to practice all the time, okay?!

Mark and I have never owned any sort of gaming system, although we’ve had plenty of arguments over which particular system is the best and which one we’d like to own someday. These days we’re looking for the one that will let us watch Netflix on our TV as well as play Just Dance, that Madden game and something with princesses. That shouldn’t be too hard, right?

Anyway. I don’t like video games.

And I’m including games on my phone and our Kindle Fire in that category. Sure, a few puzzle or reading games here and there keep Annalyn busy in the doctor’s office or DMV. And I can’t deny that it’s pretty cute watching Mark and Annalyn compare scores on Temple Run and discuss ways to get wings or magnet power or whatever it is they do.

And FINE, so I play Words with Friends, but seriously – if you’ve ever played against me, you know that my skills leave much to be desired and can barely be described as “playing.”

Other than that, though, I don’t like video games.

So when my friend Josh introduced Mark to the world of Candy Crush on vacation, I was a little annoyed. We don’t have a whole lot of family time, so another distraction is the last thing we need. Still, when Annalyn asked him to download it on the Kindle for her to play, I didn’t argue.

I did, however, refuse to play the game myself. At first.

It turns out that we couldn’t actually find the official Candy Crush game for the Kindle, so Mark downloaded something called Candy Swipe instead. It’s a simple game, a dumb game – like all video games. And when Annalyn asked me to play, over and over, I said no.

I didn’t want to play. I don’t like video games. I didn’t want to play.

But she wore me down. She explained the rules and asked me to play, pretty please, Mommy, just one time?


You guys, I am totally and completely hooked on this stupid game!!!


Well, that’s not completely true. As I told Mark last night, I don’t play it in bed. I might play it in the bathroom [“What?!” he said. “We aren’t supposed to have the Kindle in the bathroom! THAT’S YOUR RULE!”], but I have boundaries. Okay? OKAY???


This. THIS is why I don’t like video games. They are addictive as M&Ms (and you KNOW how I feel about those).

If you need me, I’ll just be in the corner, playing one more round of Candy Swipe, saying, “Yeah, baby, you can have a turn in a second. IN A SECOND! Just…one…more…second!”

Do you play any video/phone/tablet games? What’s your weakness favorite?

Photo by Julie @ Frugally Retro


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