“We don’t just put off our lives today; we put them off till our deathbed. Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives.

There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny. This second, we can turn the tables on Resistance. This second, we can sit down and do our work.”

(The War of Art by Steven Pressfield)

Maybe I should revise my About page. I mean, it IS sorely out of date.

Or I could start that freelancing project.

Oh, I know, I haven’t checked Facebook in about 17 minutes. I probably need to make sure I haven’t missed anything big.

Did I tweet about my last post this morning? I’d better go schedule another one.

Does Twitter even bring traffic to my blog anyway? Let’s see what StatCounter says…

I forgot to get rice at the grocery story yesterday. Maybe I should go get a bag this afternoon.

Stop it! It’s time to work! Now! Just . . .

When does How I Met Your Mother come back on this fall?

Has Psych really been cancelled after the next season?

Oooh, look at that clever list about pop culture stuff.

And that collection of snarky pop culture GIFs!

And that blog post that she linked to. And that one . . . and that one . . .

Okay, enough. I need to get to work.

Maybe I should shower now?

I really need to go to the post office. {ugh.}

I’d probably be more creative if I read a chapter or two of that novel I got at the library.

Oh, I forgot! I need to fold laundry. . . nahhhhh.


You know you’ve renewed your commitment to a project, a goal, a dream when you find yourself facing Resistance. So says Steven Pressfield – and so says my life. I even resorted to emailing my friend yesterday and asking, “Is it procrastination if I do this first? I mean, it’s really important. I think. Is it? I DON’T EVEN KNOW.”

I wasn’t surprised at all when she replied with, “QUIT IT. GET TO WORK. NOW.”

Fair enough.

Still . . . it’s probably time I re-organized my bathroom cabinets . . .


How do you deal with the Resistance?

Photo by Jennifer Boyer. This post includes an affiliate link.


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