We don’t …
… go on picnics at the beach. At sunset. While holding hands.
We don’t spend Saturday mornings snuggling in bed with the paper and donuts.
We don’t burst into song or – as I mentioned – jump in bounce houses.
We don’t have 2.4 kids and a big, fluffy dog running around here.
We don’t go camping or roller skating or to parades.
We don’t do a lot of “family is fun!” sort of things.
But we do …
… giggle a lot.
And we do a lot of group hugs.
We cheer for the same teams.
And we consider our family a team.
We eat ice cream sundaes and tacos.
And we take turns clearing off the messy table to make room for dinner.
Truth be told, we’re a bit more spicy than we are sweet.
My family might not be picture perfect. It might not look like any family I see on TV or at church or at the park or in the movies. And, you know, that’s a good thing in a lot of cases!
I love my family. And I bet you love yours…even if it isn’t fairy-tale perfect. Tell us about them! Write a post about your family – what you imagined it would be, what it is instead, what you love about them – and link up!
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