
A few weeks ago Mark and I were in the car, just the two of us. That’s pretty unusual, so I wonder now what the occasion was. Obviously our conversation has taken up all the room my memory has left.

[Side note: People? TELL ME my brain capacity will return after this baby is born. I don’t care if it’s a lie. Just TELL ME!]


There we were, driving along, listening to the radio without sitting on high alert for any possible adult-themed or otherwise inappropriate lyrics, and a song called “Crash My Party” came on. For a minute we sat there quietly, maybe singing along and apparently thinking COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THOUGHTS.

After a minute or so, Mark said, “Yep, I call this one, ‘The Booty Call Song.'”


I had not been thinking exactly that. I had been thinking, actually, “This guy is very nice, kind of like Mark – always wanting to spend more time with the woman he loves. Quality time must be his love language.”


Except, wait, what? Booty call song? Why would you . . . OH.

Look, you guys, I’m not naive. If anything, my tendency to overanalyze words both written and spoken (and sung), combined with years in public relations – a career based on bending words and using them in more than one way – has left me with the uncanny (unfortunate?) ability to read MEANING into pretty much anything.

But when I listened to that song, I truly did not get “booty call.” WHICH IS RIDICULOUS.

Do you know the song? If you don’t listen to country, you might not. So let me help you laugh at me and share a few lines:

If you wanna call me, call me, call me.
You don’t have to worry ‘bout it baby.
You can wake me up in the dead of the night;
Wreck my plans, baby that’s alright.
This is a drop everything kind of thing.
Swing on by I’ll pour you a drink.
The door’s unlocked. I’ll leave on the lights
Baby you can crash my party anytime.

Huh. “This is a drop everything kind of thing” – I really thought, before my husband burst my bubble, that he was singing, “This is a drop everything kind of LOVE.” It seems this song is not actually about love.


Mark and I got a good laugh out of that – how sadly different his impression of the song was from mine. It’s even funnier when you learn that, normally, he doesn’t pay one bit of attention to lyrics while I – being a word girl – do, every time.

And yet, I obviously missed the true meaning of this one!

[Side note #2: I watched the song’s video in case it gave obvious clues LIKE THE ACTUAL LYRICS DO. And for the record? No, it does not. There’s not a bed in sight. Nobody is horizontal. So. There.]

So, go ahead and laugh at me. Assume all sorts of things about my naivete and oblivious musical taste. I mean, you’re totally wrong, but I can see where you’re coming from after this story! But help me out here. Surely YOU’ve misunderstood a song before, too?!

Tell us about a time you didn’t realize what a song was about . . . pretty please?

{Photo by daveynin}

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