When Making Resolutions Feels Like Doing Homework

I don’t remember what my cousin suggested I do the other night during Christmas dinner, but I remember my response: “Oh, you must not have heard me earlier when I said I’M DONE DOING ALL THE THINGS!”

My daughter piped up to back me up: “Yeah, Mommy, you said you’re not going shopping again . . . ever!”

It’s true. Now that I’m officially nine months pregnant, six days left to work and two weeks from my scheduled c-section, I’m pretty much DONE.

{I was already tired, but it was ONE LAST TRIP to Walmart that did me in last week, putting the lid on any remaining ambitions I had for finishing up, well, ANYTHING around here.}

I’m still holding onto hope that I’ll finish my writing assignments (including the self-imposed one of writing January posts in advance so you don’t miss me TOO much while I’m adjusting to life with a newborn!) and get my Christmas decorations put away. Oh, and I wrote down “charge camera” and “pack bags” just in case I forget these crucial get-ready-for-baby steps.

Then there’s clearing up insurance questions, making an appointment with our accountant to do our taxes before she’s booked for the season, and finally getting around to making my family members get flu shots.

And a car seat. We don’t have an infant car seat, and I’m PRETTY SURE the hospital frowns on parents leaving the hospital with a newborn sitting securely in . . . someone’s lap.

[Mandatory internet clarification: WE WILL ONLY EVER TRANSPORT OUR BABY IN A CAR SEAT.]

When Making Resolutions Feels Like Doing Homework

So even though I keep vowing I am FINISHED WITH ALL THE THINGS, my to-do list and irritating Type A personality seem to have other ideas.

That’s why the thought of making New Year’s resolutions or 2014 goals is just enough to put me over the edge.

I realize most of you aren’t also nine months pregnant, but perhaps you’re a little overwhelmed with the thought of goals and resolutions right now, too?

When it’s been a rough year…
When it’s been a busy holiday season…
When your kids got sick…
When it won’t stop snowing…
When you gained 20 pounds instead of losing them…

When you didn’t write that book this year either…
…or run that marathon or reconcile with your sister…
When you barely made it through finals…
…or still haven’t sent those Christmas cards…
When you’re not sure this year will be better…
…or could possibly beat an awesome 2013…

When you’re tired…
When you’re scared…
When you’re sick…or nervous…or overwhelmed…

…then making resolutions and setting new goals might just feel like doing homework. During winter break, no less!

And I say in that case – or WHATEVER your case may be – it’s okay to skip resolutions. I am.

I’m not saying give up. I’m not saying don’t try – or don’t hope. No way! This year, the one that’s about to unfold and surprise us with every new day we receive, will bring with it so many opportunities to grow, to change, to make a difference. Even though I’m tired and nervous and overwhelmed, I’m so excited to see what 2014 brings.

But I’m also not going to kill myself to craft the perfect set of annual goals this year – not when I have no idea what’s truly around the corner for me, my family, my career or my life! If you come back on Wednesday, I’ll share more about how I’m planning for the year instead.

Until then – what’s YOUR plan, your hope, your dream, your goal for 2014?

{Photo by dgrosso23}


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Mary Carver
When Making Resolutions Feels Like Doing Homework
When Making Resolutions Feels Like Doing Homework
Mary Carver
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