
Yesterday I took Annalyn to the pediatrician. I knew her fever and coughing and never-ending nose-blowing was probably just a cold, but I didn’t want to take the chance of her getting worse over Christmas. Good thing, because it turns out the poor baby has pneumonia.

When you add that to a growing baby belly and nine months fatigue, my beloved to-do lists (yes, there are multiple lists involved here) seem to be shrinking in importance. So my plans for pre-baby freezer cooking and the guest posts I am so honored to be assigned and/or allowed to write for some amazing blogs, my idea for homemade Christmas gifts and the curtains I want to hang in the nursery – it’s just not getting done.

At least not today. Not before Christmas. Maybe not at all, I don’t know. But I think I just have to be okay with that. After all, being prepared in the kitchen and the blog and the office we’re turning back into a nursery – that’s not exactly what’s meant by the words:

Let every heart prepare Him room…

Maybe you’re finding it difficult to prepare Him room, too?

When the store is out of butter…or the Disney doctor’s kit…or both…
When your family eats all your baked goods before you can deliver them…
When your son gets sick or you get a migraine or you cat won’t stop throwing up…
When the tree falls over…
When the storm comes in a day early…
When you have to work late or the day before or the day after…
When he’s not going to make it home…
When she is going to be there after all…
When you can’t clean another counter or floor, because UGH…
When he says that thing or retells that story…
When she hurts your feelings or ignores your story…
When you realize the number of gifts isn’t quite equal…
When they want to eat dinner when you planned to go to church…
When you just can’t handle another Christmas carol for at least 11.5 months…

…it’s hard to remember the reason for the season. It’s hard to find room for Him, much less prepare our hearts for Him. It’s hard to find our joy and recall why we’re doing all this in the first place.

Can I encourage you – and me – to let all the STUFF go? Maybe not all of it, maybe not forever – but for now? Just a little? Let it go, so you can let Him in.

If the cookies don’t get frosted or the special story doesn’t get read, if the meal is a little late – or simpler than last year’s, if the presents aren’t perfect and you listen to the Beatles instead of hymns and carols – IT WILL BE OKAY.

Let’s give up on the {crazy!} idea of a perfect Christmas. It won’t happen. It never does! Take a deep breath, squint your eyes (or take off your glasses) and gaze at your Christmas lights, and remember.

Remember the reason. Prepare Him some room.

Merry Christmas, my blog friends. I adore you and wish you nothing but peace and joy this week.

{Photo by mccun934}


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Mary Carver
Mary Carver
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