Sometimes God likes to – or needs to – smack me over the head with a Truth. After doing my best to ignore it (or genuinely missing what He’s trying to teach me), suddenly a theme will appear EVERYWHERE.
A couple weeks ago, it was the idea of forgiveness finding me no matter where I hid. From Katy Perry songs to YA dystopian trilogies, the message was clear. Even my perfectly reasonable anger, justified disappointment and clenched jaw couldn’t fight the Truth that began appearing everywhere I turned.
The same is true when it comes to writing New Year’s resolutions this year.
Though I thrive on lists and, for better or worse, love setting goals for myself (often even after vowing to giving up on perfect, again, and promising not to expect so much and set myself up for disappointment, again), sometimes a list of resolutions just isn’t a good idea.
I have no idea what this year will bring. It’s full of possibility and excitement, hope and – yes – expectation. It’s full of new things and scary things and wonderful things and, most likely, hard things. And it’s just getting started.
So when I agreed to write about One Word 365 for (in)courage – and participate personally by choosing one word for the year rather than a long list of resolutions – it wasn’t a cop out or a concession. It was the wisest choice I could make for my life (and my sanity).
As soon as I believed that (and realized I’d have to PICK ONE WORD), I began realizing that God had been preparing my heart with His Truth for several weeks now. Just look at the Bible verses He’s brought to my attention recently:
Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness.
(Isaiah 30:8)
Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.
(Habakkuk 2:2-3)
Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
(1 Chronicles 16:8-9, 23-24)
This year I’m choosing the word, “rewrite” for my One Word.
And though I am excited about lots of writing opportunities on the horizon, I don’t think for a minute that I’ll be the one doing the REAL rewriting in my life this year. No, I believe God has written a story for my life – one way better than all the fairy tales in the world – and He’s going to reveal parts of that story this year.
I believe God is going to be busy in 2014, rewriting my family, my marriage, my career, my art until what I see in the mirror is what He intended – and wrote – all along.
This year, I believe I will be rewritten.
Have you chosen a word or a theme for 2014? Will you share it in the comments?
{And if you want to read more about One Word 365 – and my waning love affair with McDonald’s breakfast burritos – join me over at (in)courage today!}
{Photo by dnuluong}
Interesting word. I usually do verse/verses of the year. Yet to pick for 2014 but in 2013 Hebrews 11:1 and Jeremiah 29:11 were my watch word
Verses of the year are the ultimate Word! :)
Great word, Mary. Love the reasons behind it and the possibilities in it. :)
Thanks, Karen! It’s not exactly the “mainstream” kind of word lots of others have chosen, but it still feels right. And YES to possibilities!!
my word is START. After I choose my word, I look for a Bible verse to go with it.
Your process makes sense, Judy. What verse did you find for START?
2 Corinthians 8:11 Now you should finish what you started.
My word for 2014 is INTENTIONAL – my verse for 2014 is Colossians 3:23
Such a good word for all of us, Angela! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Complete. Colossians 2:8~10
Great, Marvella! Thank you for sharing with us!
Believe. I have been loosely contemplating what my word/theme for 2014 would be for a while now. Even as I popped over from incourage to check out your word (thinking I might get some inspiration), I didn’t know what my word would be. The very moment I saw “Rewrite” in your graphic, the word believe arrived in my mind and heart. How about that? Feels right. ;)
How ABOUT that? Well, I love it, Paula! :)
Hey! Love the one word idea. My one word for this year is “centre” and it comes from the scripture Hebrews 13:8 talking about Jesus being the same all the time. So this year my year is going to be a year of putting Jesus at the centre of everything in my life x
Sounds perfect! I love the way you have a verse to back it up!
I’m doing one little word for the first time and I’m doing create. I’ve been trying to lean into art in my life more but feel this will spill over into many other areas. Love your word, unique and I love how you are leaning into writing as well. Thanks for sharing!
CREATE is a great word, Kathy – and, like you said, something that affects many areas of life!
Great idea! My word is HOPE.
Thanks for sharing, Dorothy! Happy new year!
My One Word is PERSEVERE. Looking forward to this new Journey for 2014.
Great word, Carol – can’t wait to see how it is lived out in your life this year!
Yes! I love one word. It’s manageable, gives purpose and direction. Just blogged about it! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you, too, Alisa!
This morning I had planned on making out my dreams and wishes for 2014…first, though, as usual, I checked my emails. My first email was from “in courage” and Mary’s words. Suddenly, the word HEALTHY jumped into my mind and stayed there…repeating itself over and over. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy spirit, healthy family, healthy relationships, healthy work environment, healthy reading, healthy movies and tv shows, healthy books, on and on and on …. it every waking (and sleeping) minute of my life “healthy” can and will be used. I feel that God truly put that word into my mind….as I really had NO intention of doing the one word theme at all….and I am the type that would usually have to study and think for days on what that one word would be….so, it is quite apparent to me that God sent HEALTHY to me as my word for this year….and maybe the rest of my years!! Happy New Year everyone and may your ‘WORD” truly be your resolution for 2014!
How cool that God dropped HEALTHY into your lap this week! I love the way He can show us that one simple word can be used over our whole lives, covering all our goals and desires and motivations. Happy New Year to you, too, Deb!
My one word for 2014 is Transformation! I believe that this year is going to be a year of transformation in my spiritual walk and my physical body. I feel God is calling me to walk more confident and allow Him to lead me into new things this year because 2013 was a year of healing and grief for me after losing my husband in 2012 at only 45 years old. This is a year of transformation where I am going to see the restoration of blessings in my life, just like how God restored abundantly to Job all that was taken.
Kristy, I can’t imagine losing my husband so young and yet your determination and perspective is so inspiring. I can’t wait to hear more about how God transforms you this year!
It is crazy that I should read your email today of all days. Just 3 days ago the word “Abide” kept popping up in my head. Well I knew the Lord was talking to me but did not realize then it would become my new year resolution so to speak. Yes, one word Abide. (John 15:7) “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be be done for you.” My husband asked me the other day if I made a resolution and I said yes, I am going to abide more in the Lord, spend more personal time with Him. Happy New Year Mary.
Happy New Year to you, too, Janice! Abide is a GREAT word and goal!!
My word is “precious”. Isaiah 43:4. – “since you were precious in My sight”.
Beautiful. I love that, Veronica!
I decided this morning that mine will be BELIEVE. I need to believe in myself, believe in the goodness in others, and believe in the peace and happiness that come by living gospel principles.
Marcie, that’s a great word and I love the way you broke it down here. Going through Beth Moore’s Believing God study several years ago was life-changing for me, and lots of times I still have to return to what I learned then. It might sound simple, this idea of BELIEVE, but it isn’t! Can’t wait to hear how focusing on it changes your heart and outlook this year!
Gosh I LOVE this mindset!! Happy new year!
Happy New Year to you, too, Brittany!
Happy New Year Everyone! My word is OVERCOME. I have lots to overcome. Next year, I hope my word will be OVERCAME.
Great perspective and goal, Jamie!!!
My word is Renewal! Happy New Year, and what a neat word…”Rewrite”- I could ponder that one. Best wishes in all God shows you this year through your One Word!
Thanks, Dawn! Happy New Year to you, too – and I love the word Renewal!
I actually chose a word a several weeks ago because 2012 and 2013 were devastatingly difficult for me. Years of loss and heartbreak, that when I think about it, weren’t any worse than previous years when I lost my father, my job, my savings, and my house. But for some reason, these last two years were more difficult for me because I took it all personal. Made it personal. Clung to the hurt, and the fear, and the pain like it was all I had. And because I couldn’t let it go, it became worse. This year, I’m choosing to turn the tables on my losses, let them go, and open my arms to welcoming abundance. My word for 2014 is prosperity … yes, financial prosperity would be welcomed, but in truth, I want to just “live long and prosper” in all aspects of my life.
Cindi, I’m so sad to hear about the devastation of the past two years – but I love hearing about your determination to turn it around and prosper in the Lord!
God gave me a 2-word phrase this year: “Hold Fast.”
My theme verse is Proverbs 4:4 (NASB): ““Let your heart hold fast My words; Keep My commandments and live.”
Oh, I love that your verse and your words go hand in hand. I’m curious (if you want to share) – is this a reflection what the past year has been or what this new one will bring, do you think?
Mary, my word for 2013 was “fruitilicious.” I told my husband on New Year’s that it should have been “frutilicious in the fire.” :)
“Hold fast” is definitely in the “present tense” for me right now. We’ve been sailing in stormy seas for the last few weeks.
Lyli, I pray those stormy seas settle down soon and that He gives you strength to hold fast!
This is my first time seeing this about asking God to give me one word for the year. As I contemplated that and asked God to give me a word I had just started looking at some suggested words when right before my eyes landed on my word God dropped the word in my mind.
I didn’t really want this word, but when I wanted to think about another this one wouldn’t leave me.
My word is “Relentless.” I do know why God wanted this word to be my word for the year………
Sounds like God was relentless in giving you the word relentless! Can’t wait to hear what kind of journey He takes you on this year!
My word for the year having just read your incourage entry and this blog is TRUST. I need to really trust that whatever happens in my life, something good will come from it via heaven. I need to learn to trust people who are not my family. I also need to trust myself and my connection to Jesus in a different way.
Trust myself to make an abundant life with Jesus.
Trust Jesus to be all I need, rather than things.
Trust people to care for me, even when they don’t fully understand I have special needs.
Trust is SUCH an integral part of finding peace and joy in this life and with our God, isn’t it? The way you’ve described it here is lovely, Karen. Praying you develop trust in Jesus and everything He’s promised this year!
My word for this year is STILL. God wants me to be still before Him and focus on His voice
Oooh, that’s a tough one, Teresa! Praying you hear Him and focus on Him in your stillness!
My word for the year is prayer — it encompasses so much more. I say that I believe in prayer yet I find while I do it “on the fly” I don’t listen more than I “talk”. This year I want to find the quiet time I have not been having and listen in prayer.
Great word, Becky. Seems like it fits with another commenter’s word of LISTEN. I need so much more of that, too!
I can’t decide what my word should be…..”Simple”? As in living my life more simply. Sure I need to lose weight, but that is overwhelming. What if I just concentrated on making eating choices simple…fruit or carrots for snack and exercise, any kind, every day? Less buying and just use what I have? Or should my word be “Encourage”? Not just people around me, but also make my blog posts encouraging AND most importantly, encourage myself?
Well, really, I don’t know that the “rules” say you have to choose one or the other – you COULD do both. But I like “simple” because, as you pointed out, it can pretty much be applied to every area of our lives!
I love this idea “one word” I gave this alot of thought and my word is” listen”, listen before I react, listen to what others need, listen to what I read, listen to my heart, listen to my family… it just keeps going on. I am going to start here towards a better me.
We could all do with some more listening, I think, Kathy. Great word! (As a matter of fact, I told my husband that my one actual resolution this year is to be a better friend by asking people more questions and truly listening to their answers!)
I receive His blessings beyond measure on a daily basis. I still struggle with fear, so I am learning to “Praise Him In The Storm”! Therefore, my word is FEARLESSNESS.
Laurie, I think simply choosing that word shows a lot of courage!
I LOVE the process of selecting a word for the year. It’s a way to keep on track with the deepest longings of my heart. It’s a reminder to be on track with God’s agenda for my life, rather than my own agenda.
God has been whispering in my heart my word for 2014. It came to me on a beach in Maui as I walked in the sand and saw the waves crash to the shore. My word is WHOLEHEARTED. Wholehearted means that I’m “all in”, that I am living my life and faith with passion. I want to be LOVING wholeheartedly, TEACHING wholeheartedly, SERVING wholeheartedly, WORSHIPING wholeheartedly, SHARING my faith wholeheartedly.
I truly believe that the Lord wants me to live my life with
If you’d like to read more on this word, and the Ten Guidelines for Living a Wholehearted Life, I’m at
God Bless and Happy New Year!
Wholehearted is a great approach to living, Linda – love it!
Linda–it took me some sleuthing to find your blog. I very much enjoyed what you had to share once I found it. Address above is misspelled. For others looking it should be
My word for 2014 is abundantly. The word came to me this afternoon actually while I was texting with my Pastor. I always end any “mass” text with “many blessings, massive hugs, and much love.” Today he claimed “much love” as his own and I heard the word”abundantly” cross into my mind.
When I went onto incourage this evening and read your post, I knew this was my word for the New Year.
I am also doing one verse for the year and that is Luke 14:33. “Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple.” (the Message)
Many blessings!
Great word, Kimberly! And I love the idea of focusing on a verse, too!!
At first I thought “rewrite”?? But that makes a lot of sense after reading your explanation. I like it. :) And I can definitely relate to the theme thing. Can’t believe He doesn’t give up on me, seriously. But nope, He just shows me again and again and in different ways. I heard a new song at a wedding today, and I’m thinking maybe it could be my word (if I remember): unashamed. (Here’s the song:
I love that – a great word/song! Why don’t you write it down somewhere and keep it in front of you visually, so you don’t forget? I mean, I’m not saying to take MY picture off your fridge to make room…but I guess you could if you have to… ;)
You know what I love? That you were led to a word and I was led to a list. I think it’s awesome that we can do both and it’s totally ok! I love the word rewrite and think it’s perfect!
I actually have a word for the year too. I’m not using it in place of my resolutions but I’m seeing it more of a filter. My word is “Beloved.”
That’s a beautiful word, and it sounds comforting and exciting all at the same time. I have chosen “self-care” as my word for 2014, because I think I’m finally figuring out that I have to take care of myself first in order to be able to have the energy to care for others.
Important lesson, MJ! Thank you for sharing your word with us!
My word for this year is SUBMISSION. I want to totally submit to The Lord and all that He has in store for me.
What a brave pick, Lisa! Can’t wait to hear how God uses it this year!
Visiting from Mama Kat’s. Very nice post and word choice.
Thanks for stopping by!!
My word for 2014 is DEPEND any my verses are Philippians 4:6-7 and Jeremiah 29:11. I have a tendency to stress about, well almost anything and to make matters worse, 2013 was a particularly difficult and stressful year. In 2014, I want to remember to give my stresses and anxieties over to God and depend on HIS strength and not my own to see me through.
Cortnee, that’s beautiful – and something I could learn, too!
My one word for the year is LISTEN. I’ve spent a lot of time exhorting, teaching, planning and talking this past year. Like you, my life works in themes. Somewhere around mid-December I felt the Lord whisper the word, “Listen.” So I look forward to learning the lost of art of listening this year!
That’s great, Leigh Ann – and you’ve obviously already started listening to get your word!!
I chose my one word for 2014. SERENITY
read about it here
Beautiful!! Indeed, your life and family will be rewritten very soon. :) My one word for this year is Intention – in all things. I want to be more mindful about everything thus year.
Great post! Thanks for introducing us to One Word 365! I wrote about my word for the year here:
Willing- Psalm 51:10-13
My one word is Creative. It scares the socks off my frozen Alaska toes, but I’m also excited too.
This post has inspired me so much! My word for 2014 is Renew. My verses are: Isaiah 43: 19 and Revelation 21:5-6 and Jeremiah 29:11. Last year was a stressful and sad were anxiety got the best of me and my faith was shaken up a bit. Now, this 2014 I have decided to let go and let God take over so that He can renew my life, my faith and hope in Him.
Yashira, that’s beautiful. I believe He will absolutely renew you and your faith this year!
My one word is Stay! It stands for stay focused, stay calm and stay committed.
Great goal, Suzi! Thank you for sharing it!
My word for 2014 is definitely GRATITUDE. It’s time that I stop looking back, stop looking forward and start feeling grateful for what’s around me right now. Great post, got me thinkin’ :)
Love that, Jason! Thanks for sharing with us!
Funny (ironic, not haha) that you have this post about a one-word resolution. I had never considered one word, either. Until this year when I realized everything I was putting onto my list of resolutions revolved around one word: BRAVE. God has lots of great things in store for my life this year, and each one involves bravery at some level and taking my trust in The Lord deeper. I’m looking forward to the adventure.
Julie, that’s so exciting. I can’t wait to hear more about what bravery God has in store for you!
Last year my word was BELIEVE, and I couldn’t have imagined how hard it would be to live with that word all year. Reflecting back though, I did learn to believe in myself, my friends and family, and particularly God’s love and acceptance. For 2014, my word is GRACE, and I’m excited to see what God has in store for me with this word. I hope to learn to extend grace to myself and others, and learn more about God’s grace.
I loved hearing how BELIEVE changed you last year, Jill! Thank you for sharing with us – and I can’t wait to hear what GRACE means for you this year!
As I read your post, the word that hit me is “fit”. The first impression of the word regards the physical, but there is definitely a spiritual and relational aspect to that word. I want to live “as it is fit in the Lord”. I tend to be legalistic, so there is great freedom in just having this word be my resolution. Instead of a bunch of rules (no FB before Memverse, only whole foods, exercise so many times a week) I just want to keep making choices that will make me more fit.
I love your definition of “fit,” Lolita!