Today I’m at (in)courage with a follow-up to the One Words we chose for 2014.
Did you choose One Word for 2014? How is your year going so far? What have you learned as a result of your One Word?
Don’t worry! I’m not asking for the usual resolutions progress report. I don’t need to know if you’ve lost 10 pounds or read that book, if you’ve gotten up early or attended that pottery class. I’m asking about YOU – who you are and who you’re becoming, not what you do (or don’t do)!
I’m simply wondering, friend: How are you?
My word for 2014 is Rewrite. I had a baby shortly after sharing that on my own blog and despite my great intentions, I lost the ability to string together many words at once (much less words that make sense!). My book proposal sits untouched – and certainly unrevised – on my desktop, and on the rare occasion I complete a blog post it is, well, less than coherent.
The truth is that I haven’t done much rewriting in the literal sense so far this year.
That’s okay, I think. The point of choosing One Word isn’t to set ourselves up for guilt trips and browbeating if we don’t finish a project or miss a deadline. The point of choosing One Word is to set it as a compass, a heart guide for our calendar year.
So while I have not written many words on paper (aside from all those lists and reminders and to-dos), I am allowing God to rewrite several parts of my life. It’s not a journey that began on January 1, and I suspect it won’t finish promptly on December 31. But I will be intentional (a word so many of you chose!) in seeking ways to be changed, to grow, to be rewritten into the woman God designed.
Thanks for asking! I am a word junkie too! My word this year changed a month into the year to be BEGINNING – because I am beginning a new chapter in my life at 49 and perhaps preparing for the big 5 0 next year. =) It seems like a very good place to start, right? At the beginning. I also like to hear it in my ears as “In the beginning….” and it gives me chills about what God might have in store.
Be well!