I spent this weekend in a hotel room working on my book.
In the past when I heard about someone hiding away to write, I imagined a cozy cabin with mountain views. I’ll admit, sometimes I also assumed said writer was hunched over a typewriter slowly turning into a certifiable crazy person who talks to birds and walls and lives on coffee and granola. But mostly it was this:
A place to enjoy nature, to be inspired by God’s creation. Maybe even a beach to walk on, to ponder deep things while taking a short break from my hard work…
Of course I’d be up at dawn to drink my coffee… (Who IS this lady? I don’t know. But she is definitely thinking important thoughts that will surely turn into a best-seller.) (Too bad I still don’t really like coffee.)
No matter what images came to mind when I heard mention of a writer’s retreat, I definitely did not envision a small-town hotel with a mediocre breakfast buffet and a lovely view of a frontage road and National Bank.
That’s okay. Because a) this hotel is the retreat I could afford and b) sequestering myself for a few days, with no kids or appointments or errands or laundry or TV or alarm clocks, has been GOOD for productivity. It’s also given me the mental space to breathe a bit, to toss around ideas a little more – and to create more work for myself. But that’s okay. It’s good work and it’s going to make the book better.
It’s funny, though. As often as I am alone (working from home and having a husband who works long hours simply mean I am by myself a lot), being “stuck” here in the hotel is making me just a tiny bit stir crazy. And I even left for church and small group on Sunday! But the more hopped up on sugar and Cool Ranch Doritos I get, the more I find myself laughing and crying out loud, talking to myself, and getting the urge to do some jumping jacks just to give my brain a break.
So, that’s been my weekend. I’m so grateful Mark offered to take care of the girls so I could go away to write. And even though it’s a little hotel within a half mile of at least a dozen neon-blinking fast food restaurants and gas stations, it’s exactly what I’ve needed to make major progress with the book.
I’m not saying I would turn down a cabin in the mountains or on the lake. So if you’ve got one handy, let me know. I’m definitely doing this again soon to [hopefully] finish this thing. Especially if you own a unicorn…
Come on! Don’t even tell me that doesn’t look JUST LIKE A UNICORN [without the horn]. Apparently it’s a wild pony, but it was with all these cabin photos, so I’m pretty sure it lives at a cabin. Where people write amazing books.
How was YOUR weekend?
Pssst! Hey! This is that “more conversation” thing I mentioned last week…so go ahead, comment away and let us know what’s going on in your life this week!
Awesome photos are by vastateparksstaff from Flickr’s Creative Commons.
I live near a beautiful lake. Maybe you need to come visit. :) After our December and early January, I really needed to GO DO SOMETHING this weekend. So we took a spontaneous road trip (3 hours each way) to eat dinner with family and watch a college basketball game on Saturday afternoon/evening. It’s totally what I needed.
Oh yes, I should definitely come visit you! :) Love that you took a spontaneous road trip!! We haven’t done that in a while, and it sounds lovely.
Good job Mary! I, too, dream of the cabin at the lake getaway but have never done it. I spent the weekend doing the clear out clutter for good and some fun with friends. It is great fun to look back over old photos and memos AND be able to get rid of them. I went through three boxes of books and those are always the hardest… I only kept the most important ones! =)
I also made a crock pot of chili to keep us all going. I even made it back inside the church for the first time in two years… miracles do happen… hehehe.
Lina, that sounds like such a great weekend!! Glad you got the chance to enjoy friends and return to church!
I’m so glad you got away to work on the book! That’s one more step you’ve made toward me getting to read it! ;)
Thanks, Amy!!
Oh this was great! I had a good laugh! And by the way… IT WAS A UNICORN!
So glad you took precious time off from writing your book to make this post! It made my day!
Happy writing! AND finding more Unicorns! :)
Thanks, Susan – and Yes! I’m so glad I’m not alone in seeing that UNICORN! :D
Mary, you are so funny! This is great.
Glad you got away for a while and got a lot done. :)
Thanks, Erin. I should’ve written about the progression of my isolated state. Day 1: I should do this more often! I love hotels! Day 2: Lalalala, I’m going CRAZY!! Day 3: Gah. So tired. So much work to do. I love waffles.
Somehow I think if I found myself alone for a writer’s retreat, I would just sleep. Chalk it up to six years of sporadic sleep, huh? Yes, that horse is a unicorn. Totally.
My grandparents lived in this house that they built – like with their own hands – until they had to move to a smaller, assisted-living apartment. It was such a weird house. It had two separate upstairs wings that weren’t connected, a greenhouse room, and a living room stuffed to the gills with books and collectibles. They also had a typewriter they would let me play with. I always imagined tucking myself away in their quirky old house in Ohio and writing when I got older. Sadly, they sold it, instead of leaving it completely furnished and unused just for me.
I’ll confess I slept more than I planned to. So there’s that. :/ And really, grandparents? Why wouldn’t you hand over your quirky house to Jessie?! :)