I am one of those people. When I go to the grocery store – or any store, really – I will circle the parking lot until I find the right spot. And if someone is pulling out of that right spot? I will wait. With my blinker on. Because getting the right parking spot at the store is a big deal.
Am I THAT lazy? No, I’m not talking about a parking spot close to the door – although, DUH, that’s always nice. I’m talking about a parking spot next to the cart corral.
My #1 tip for every new mom is PARK NEXT TO THE CART CORRAL.
Don’t ask me how to make a toddler stop biting or a one-year-old stop screeching like a pterodactyl. Definitely don’t look to me for advice on teaching four-year-old girls how to share their dolls or seven-year-old girls how to fold their laundry without drama worthy of a soap opera. I don’t know any of those things.
But I do know how to make your grocery shopping a tiny bit easier!
When you park right next to the cart corral, you don’t have to lug your baby (UGH, especially when she’s still in her 25-pound car seat) from the car to the store. And then, after you’ve gone through the excruciating process that is buying groceries with children in tow, all you have to do is load them into your car, wrangle the kids into the car, and push the cart two feet into the corral.
Easy peasy!
(I know. Not really. It may be a first-world problem, but buying groceries is super annoying.)
Anyway. That’s my tip for you today. Make your grocery-buying, errand-running, kid-hauling life easier; park by the cart corral! {And for more tips for shopping safely with kids, check out this post.}
Parking by the cart corral works for me, and today is my first day hosting Works for Me Wednesday! I hope you’ll link up – and stay a while, too!
Here are a few notes about WFMW:
1. So what exactly IS Works for Me Wednesday (WFMW), anyway?
WFMW is a blog carnival, originally created by Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer and hosted for the past five years by Kristen at We Are THAT Family. Basically, the idea is that on Wednesday you post a little tip you’ve learned on any (G-rated) topic – anything that has “worked for you” in making your life easier. You include a link to this blog in your post, and enter your link in the inLinkz form at the bottom of my post.
2. Please only leave a link if you have written a WFMW post. Please mention WFMW in your post, and link back to my master list here. “Empty links” will be deleted.
3. Link to your WFMW post, not to the front page of your blog. This makes browsing so much easier for everyone, especially when people browse around in the archives. For an explanation on how to do this, go here.
4. Please DO NOT host your own WFMW link-up at your site. I’d like to keep Giving Up on Perfect as the only homepage for Works for Me Wednesday, for simplicity’s sake.
5. Please be patient with your e-mail questions. Specifically, if you have a question that could be answered by using the “Help” section in your blogging software (“How do I upload images?” or “How do I link back to you from my page?”), please check there for answers first.
6. Enter a 3-4 word description of your post, in parentheses, after you put your name. Be descriptive, be specific, and BE BRIEF. For example, where the box below says “Your Name,” you might put Melissa (Uses for Bleach) or Julie (Kids’ Crafts).
7. I’ll put my WFMW post up no later than 12:01 am (central time) each Wednesday. Frequently, I’ll have it up an hour or two earlier.
8. I reserve the right to delete any links that are inappropriate.
Thank you SO MUCH for participating in Works for Me Wednesday! I’ve enjoyed linking up with Shannon and Kristen for years, and I’m honored to host you at my blog now. I can’t wait to find out what’s working for you!
This post may be linked to these amazing carnivals and link parties.
It’s early, will the linkz be back up?