I don’t have an office. Or even a desk. I work at my laptop, on a TV tray, while curled up on the left side of my couch. It’s not ideal.

Also not ideal? The left side of my couch kind of sags. Because I sit there too often.

So for the last several months I’ve been trying to take more breaks, to leave the computer turned off more often. I realized a while back that, because I work from home and because I work in the never-takes-a-break world of social media, it’s not uncommon for me to spend hours on the couch, staring at one screen or another.

And that’s not good.

So I tell myself to better manage my time. I make schedules. I make promises. But it’s hard. It’s hard to unplug, to resist the siren call of the screen.

Lucky for me, my laptop is on its last legs!

No, really – this is partly good news! Because when my computer refuses to work – and it does. It just REFUSES to do its ONE JOB. – I have no other choice but to turn it off and walk away. Today was one of those days. And after fighting to get an internet connection for several days in a row, I’d had enough. I unplugged for most of the day.

And when I sat down to write this week’s Works for Me Wednesday post this evening? The one I’d planned about making stuffed peppers and eating fewer carbs? The one that basically REQUIRES me to lean on Pinterest? Heavily? Well, Pinterest decided that even if my laptop was clocked in, it was not on board. Won’t open. Not in Firefox; not in Chrome.

Pinterest has left the building…so to speak.

Edited to add: As soon as I hit publish, I tried Pinterest ONE MORE TIME – and wouldn’t you know? It works now. What?! Oh well. We’ll talk stuffed peppers next week, right?

I’ve read lots of articles about taking a technology break, from wise women who take the time to re-order their priorities and peel themselves away from the online world to spend more time in their real worlds. Those ladies are SMART. And I try to do that. I’m getting better, a little better.

But this time? This time, I believe technology is taking a break from ME! Maybe my laptop and Pinterest and my internet service and my phone (have I mentioned that it doesn’t work that well either? Because it does NOT.) are in on this together, going on strike to force me to take a break.

So, I’m signing off for today (and maybe even tomorrow!). Consider me in timeout. Even when it’s not my choice, taking a technology break works for me.

Have you ever taken a technology timeout?

Works for Me Wednesday :: Giving Up on Perfect

It’s time for Works for Me Wednesday. I’m looking forward to your tips, tricks, ideas and inspiration! If this is your first time linking up with WFMW here, PLEASE read the guidelines I shared in this post. Highlights include linking your specific post, not the front page of your blog, and making sure to include a link back to this site in your WFMW. Thank you!!

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