We’ve entered a new phase in our house this summer. We’ve graduated from animated Disney movies to live action Disney movies. Which is basically just a fancy way of saying Annalyn and I have watched no less than three – count ’em! THREE. – High School Musical movies.
You guys, they’re not actually THAT bad. And, thankfully, the same seven-year-old who keeps bugging me to find the fourth High School Musical at a Redbox or the library also not-so-secretly likes watching Elmo with her baby sister.
And, let’s not forget, it gives us gems like this:
You guys. This scene was, by far, the most cheese-tastic one of all! Zac Efron singing (and dancing to) “Bet On It” made me laugh so hard! I mean, it is ridiculous. Right? I’m not alone in this, am I?
But as I tried to contain my giggles (so as not to offend the daughter) and ended up snorting instead (because REALLY. Just watch it!), I wondered why I found it so laughable that a teenage boy might need to dance out his feelings.
Okay, yes, fine. This particular situation might not be so realistic. But haven’t you ever felt emotions so big that you couldn’t contain them? Feelings so strong you want to put them in a song? A situation so intense you just need to dance it out?
Maybe not. Maybe your feelings don’t come with the urge to belt Broadway tunes and flash jazz hands, but maybe they do beg to be shared somehow – in a Facebook post, from the rooftop (or the front porch), with a “Hallelujah!” or a “Yeehaw!”
When that happens – when you have such great news, such relief or pride or gratitude or just plain JOY – don’t play it cool, friends. Shout it out and share it with us! The world could certainly use a little more leaping with joy, couldn’t it?! I promise not to let a single snort escape, no matter how you choose to celebrate.
After all, how could I, when I’m doing leaps of joy of my own today?
Even though the official release of my book is still five months away, I’m excited to reveal the cover to you now! You can actually pre-order the book on Amazon, too. Can you believe it??!!
I’ve been so nervous to show you the cover and reluctant to show my excitement…
…because the actual launch is still so far away
…because it’s not just MY book and I didn’t write THE WHOLE thing myself
…because lots of people write books these days
…because I don’t want to brag
…because because BECAUSE!
But then I thought about young Zac Efron really COMMITTING to that song in High School Musical 2 and his jubilant leaps at the end of the most ridiculous song. And I decided that just maybe I was the one being ridiculous. That just maybe you all would want to celebrate with me. That just maybe it’s time to let the joy, joy, joy that’s down in my heart out to play.
So … YEEHAW and HALLELUJAH! My book has a cover and a home on Amazon!
WOOHOO!! That’s so exciting!!!
Thank you!!!
AHHHHHHhhhhh!!! Jumping with joy over here in the Southland…. :) SO happy for you and delighted Sara’s beautiful story is being told. You’re the perfect person to steward her words <3.
Thank you, friend. Your support is so valuable – and so appreciated!
I am SO proud of you! I can’t wait to read it! I know you’ve taken great care to do her thoughts and words justice in this book.
Thank you, Amy!!! :)
I have NO idea what you’re talking about. My sons dance out their feelings ALL THE TIME. ;)
So thrilled for you, dear Mary. This is going to be golden.
Love you so much…
Hehe. And now I’m imagining your boys dancing out their feelings… ;)
CONGRATULATIONS MARY!!! WOOOHOOO!! Good for you! What a wonderful tribute too. Pre-ordering mine now. Do your Joy dances and don’t let anyone or anything stop you.
Best always, Lina
Thank you, Lina!!
I am so excited for you – and for the new book! Yay! Can’t wait to read it. What an honor for you!
Thank you, Susan!!!
There it is! So proud of you and thankful that Sara’s words live on.
Thank you so much, Dawn!
Oh Mary! It’s beautiful. What a tribute to her you’ve created here. What a gift to us all!!
Thank you so much, LJ!
Made me smile:) Thanks for sharing! & A big LOL @ “confirm you are not an evil spambot” lolol I love it! Blessings to you and your precious family:)