I'm Not Sorry About the Books I Read | a #write31days post by givinguponperfect.com

I just spent four days with writers. “What are you reading?” and “What’s the last book you read?” were common questions – and questions that made me sweat a little.

Consider this conversation I had with a friend, about another friend’s writing project:

Me: She wrote a novel.
My friend: WHY?
Me: Um, because she wanted to?
My friend: No, I mean, WHY is she writing fiction?
Me: Um, because she wanted to?
My friend: But why isn’t she writing non-fiction?!?

My friend and I were both bewildered – her, because she couldn’t imagine someone choosing to write fiction, and me, because I am constantly wishing that I could write fiction or, since that doesn’t seem likely, that more of my friends would write novels. Because I love novels.

I do. And sometimes I love cheesy novels and fluffy novels and maybe, possibly novels that I don’t even admit to on my Goodreads account.

When I got home this afternoon, Annalyn wanted to know all about my flight. She asked me if the people on the plane were noisy or if they were quiet so I could read. When I told her that I’d actually finished my book, she said, “Oh, the one about the astronaut?”

Well, no. I’ve been reading The Martian for the past couple of weeks. It’s really good (so interesting and hilarious, too), but it is NOT the “quick, easy read” several of my friends have claimed it is. Because of the science. It’s ALL ABOUT SCIENCE, which is not quick or easy reading for this not-a-fan-of-science reader.

So it’s possible I’ve been taking frequent breaks in between chapters to read essays by Jen Hatmaker and books about fallen angels and storybook characters come to life. So, I had to admit to my daughter that I had not finished the astronaut book. Instead, I’d read a mystery that raised the very important question, What if Alice in Wonderland was a real person? And the follow-up questions: What if she traveled to our time in a portal? And what if she fell in love with Huck Finn (also a real person, also a portal traveler) and solved mysteries with him?

Edited to add: Since so many of you have awesome taste like me and have asked, the Alice and Finn book is The Collector’s Society by Heather Lyons. It’s a trilogy, and I’m currently on the third book. I adored the first one, the second one added Finn’s viewpoint and became a little racy for me, and the third one (so far) is less awesome than the first. But it could certainly get better. I will keep you posted!

Yeah. I admitted that to my daughter, but I didn’t exactly say the same thing to the women I met this weekend who asked what I’d been reading. Nope. Instead, I basically apologized to them by saying I couldn’t remember what I’d read most recently and then telling them about other, less embarrassing novels I’ve read this fall.


So today I’m reminding myself that I’m not sorry about the kind of books I like to read. I’m re-reading the post I wrote, saying that very thing, for Modern Mrs. Darcy’s blog. Here it is, if you’d like to read it, too: My Not-So-Secret Love of “Fluffy” Books.

What kind of books do you like to read {for real}?

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This post is part of the 31 Days Writing Challenge. To read all the posts in this series, click here. And to learn more about this challenge or to find more series to read, visit Write31Days.com. Apple photos courtesy of my brother, James.


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Mary Carver
I'm Not Sorry About the Books I Read | a #write31days post by givinguponperfect.com
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