Note: Keep reading (or scroll down if you must) for a $50 giveaway from DaySpring!
Four years ago we decided it was time for us to find a new church home. I am a big, big fan of our not-so-new-now church home, but I do miss my friends from our old church. Sure, we still live in the same general part of town. But lives and families and people are busy, so we just don’t get to see each other often.
Recently, I realized that one of those friends (and her family) frequently eats lunch after church at a fast food place close to my house. The same place my family often eats – or at least, drives through and takes home to eat. My friend and I have had near misses and almost connections and swear that one of these days our cheap taco lunches will coincide and we’ll be reunited over nachos once again.
But it has yet to happen.
A couple weeks ago I ran into my friend’s husband as I was wrestling my children into the car. We’d already eaten, and he was getting their lunch to go. Another close-but-no-cigar meeting at the Taco Bell. Cue the sad trombones…
The following Sunday afternoon, though, as I pulled up to the drive-thru window with the girls, I spied my friend and her daughter inside the restaurant. Oh! Look! There they are! And we’re…here…so close…but so far away…
I actually caught my friend’s eye through the window, and she grabbed her cell phone to text me a hello and an invitation to join them at the park after lunch. Of course, this was the day that pretty much every person in my house needed a nap or a quiet time or a time out. After all, the 21-month-old pterodactyl in my backseat is the reason I’d opted for the drive-thru in the first place.
So, once again, I didn’t get to spend time with my friend.
I was so disappointed – and then I felt foolish, silly for trying again when it seems we’re destined to simply miss each other. I felt a little embarrassed at my sadness as I missed my friend and the days when our families spent every Sunday night together.
But, honestly, in my mind I was stretching my arms toward that Taco Bell window, reaching through the drive-thru for my friend and just missing her as the oblivious cashier handed me 83 packets of hot sauce and one napkin. My imagined scene played out in slow motion, with a dramatic soundtrack playing throughout and a live studio audience groaning in disappointment as my car reluctantly pulled away from the restaurant and my friend.
I know, I know. I’m a little over the top. But the fact remains that I miss my friend. And I’m not sorry to say so. I need my friends, so much that I won’t stop trying to coordinate our taco runs and organizing girls nights out and inviting them to parties or small groups or dinners. Even if we only make contact 9 out of 10 times we attempt to connect, I’m going to keep trying.
Because I need friends in my life. And I’m not sorry about that.
Dayspring has come out with a new line of products called Better Together. Because I’m not the only one who needs friends. No matter our life stage or personality type or busy schedule, we all need friends. And though it might be hard or awkward, we really should push ourselves to reach out – even after it hasn’t worked, again. We are better together, and the risk involved in trying to get to that TOGETHER place is worth it.
I really am in love with the Better Together line! I’m now the happy owner of a world map tray and a notebook and some note cards and a pretty necklace. But you better believe I also have my eye on the pillow covers and the globes (can I get both?) and the other jewelry.
The Better Together products are designed to inspire us to remember that we are, indeed, better together and that the Bible tells us to love our neighbors, both in our back yards and around the world. (You can also read posts at (in)courage each Wednesday on this topic!)
I’m excited to tell you that DaySpring is offering Giving Up on Perfect readers a 20% off coupon code through next Friday, October 30. Just use BETTER20 to save 20% off anything in the Better Together collection.
But wait! – yes, there’s more! DaySpring is also giving away a $50 gift card to one lucky Giving Up on Perfect reader this week! To enter, simply visit and tell me which Better Together item you’d like to purchase first. The winner will be selected randomly after midnight next Friday, October 30, and must live in the U.S.
Friends work for me. Giveaways work for me! Better Together works for me.
This post includes affiliate links.
This post is part of the 31 Days Writing Challenge. To read all the posts in this series, click here. And to learn more about this challenge or to find more series to read, visit Apple photos courtesy of my brother, James.
Now it’s time for Works for Me Wednesday!
If this is your first time linking up with WFMW here, PLEASE read the guidelines I shared in this post. Highlights include linking your specific post, not the front page of your blog, and making sure to include a link back to this site in your WFMW. Thank you!!
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What a beautiful collection by Dayspring. My favorite product was the pinboard with the statement, “People aren’t interruptions or distractions, people are the entire point.” Yeah, super important for me to remember and definitely what I would buy first!
Beautiful collection. I’d love the Praise the Lord pillow cover!
Hey Mary,
What a sweet post today. We do need friends – no matter how busy life gets! Keep trying to get together with that old friend. It’s worth the effort!
And, thanks for hosting the weekly link ups! Enjoying meeting lots of new friends.
Hope you have a blessed day today~
It is so hard to decide. I love the painted wood items but I chose VILLAGE ARTISAN – SHEESHA GARDEN EARRINGS – GOLD. They are lovely!
I love this post. We left our church of many years about 1.5 years ago and so many of our closest friends are there or have left for other church’s. The small group I was in from that church is still my closest group and we make up reasons to have a girls night out from time to time.
Um, can I have all of it?! :) I really love the “We are always better together” pillow cover, home letterpress block, words can go … postcards. I may be going to place an order now … :)
The pillow covers!
Thank you Mary for the laughter and memories of the “pterodactyl” days. I love your transparency!
I LOVE the beautiful Sheesa Garden necklace!!! And your post today is such a wonderful reminder, Mary. So true!
I, too, am loving the “pterodactyl” comment. Go Mary! And kudos to you for knowing not to drag your little ones into the TB when they are overdone. I learned that the hard way, more than once! I will be praying you get that meet and greet soon.
As for the new Dayspring line – I like it! I will likely buy those cool journals because I journal a lot. But I really like the globes! The journal I can get away with buying while in the we-are-likely-moving-next-year time out of other shopping. =)
Best to you!! Lina
I like the Change the World Necklace and earrings.
I would purchase the Praise the Lord pillow cover. So unique and true. I totally agree with your perspective. I do the same thing: keep trying until it happens because connection is so very important.
It’s hard to pick one! But if I had to choose, I’d probably pick the Praise the Lord Letterpress Canvas. <3 Loving your series as well.
I need those pillow covers!! Love the whole collection!
I love all the pillow covers but I think the “Home” Letterblock is my absolute favorite.
I am glad for your friendship and always look forward to our infrequent, but oh-so-good-get-togethers! If I could get anything in the collection I would get the Better Together pennant!
What a beautiful idea for a collection. My favorite item is the Praise the Lord canvas pin board. The design is so lovely and sparks my imagination.