coffee by bed

It’s one thing to miss a day of posting when I’m out of town at a conference. But I’ve been in town, at home the past two days. And yet…where were the posts?

Posts weren’t the only things missing in my life this past week. I also missed a children’s ministry conference, lunch with my friends, and our church’s fall festival. It’s just been a rough week.

The problem wasn’t really that I went out of town (although my four-day absence and my toddler’s clinginess upon my return WAS why I skipped the one-day conference about children’s ministry). And the problem wasn’t necessarily an overly full schedule or an incredibly stressful work situation.

I think the problem was all of the above. You know, having all that land on my plate in one week? Yeah, it was too much.

So, I dropped some balls.
I took some time off.
And, honestly, I let some people down.

I do wish I hadn’t done that last part. But it was necessary to preserve my sanity and my family and my peace of mind and heart. So, in the long run, I’m not sorry I had to take a couple days off. I hope you understand.

And I hope that you have some time off this weekend or next week or sometime soon. I hope you get to rest and refresh and revive and reconnect and all those good “re-” things we need every once in a while.

Have you taken any time off lately?

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This post is part of the 31 Days Writing Challenge. To read all the posts in this series, click here. And to learn more about this challenge or to find more series to read, visit Apple photos courtesy of my brother, James.


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