I'm Not Sorry | a #write31days post by givinguponperfect.com

When I went searching for a photo to use in this post, I wasn’t looking for anything specific. Just a generic nature-y picture or a basic office-y photo.

Then I found a picture of a pineapple sitting in the grass.

Just last week, Mark and I got into a debate about how pineapples grow. One of us was certain they grow in the ground, and the other just knew they grow on trees. I felt pretty dumb when I looked it up on Wikipedia and realized he was right.


So I laughed when I saw this photo – and really wanted to use it without no explanation. Kind of like how the pineapple incident was never properly explained in How I Met Your Mother or how the presence of a pineapple in every episode of Psych was never really explained either. But what if you didn’t get it? What if you assumed it was a weird picture for no reason, not an obscure reference to a couple of TV shows?

I just couldn’t do it. I wasn’t brave enough.


As I looked at my list of possible #notsorry topics for this week (the last week of the 31 Days series!), I realized that in these last few posts I want to make sure I’m writing about the things you’re most interested in, the things you struggle with most, the ones that really get you going and fire you up.

Today I’m asking you:

What are YOU not sorry for? What do you want to stop being sorry for?

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This post is part of the 31 Days Writing Challenge. To read all the posts in this series, click here. And to learn more about this challenge or to find more series to read, visit Write31Days.com. Apple photos courtesy of my brother, James.


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Mary Carver
I'm Not Sorry | a #write31days post by givinguponperfect.com
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Mary Carver
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