Whew! October went by FAST, you guys. Of course, it always does. With a birthday, an out-of-town conference, a fall break and parent-teacher conference, and a Halloween, our fall calendar is always full. But when you add a 31 Days writing challenge to it?
Well, that’s just craziness.
But it was a good crazy! I really enjoyed writing about “not sorry” for 31 days. As I mentioned a few times, the more I thought about it and wrote about it, the more layers to the subject I uncovered and the more questions I discovered. I had several post ideas leftover – and new ideas come to me every day. Don’t be surprised if I keep on talking about this thing!
Until then, I’ve got a few posts about being NOT SORRY that I’ve found online. Some I found on my own and have been saving for today – and some I asked my fellow “31 Day-ers” to share. So if you need more encouragement to stop apologizing for things you’re not really sorry for, read on!
Dear Children, I’m Not Sorry I Work
I’m Sorry I’m Not Sorry
The Day I Learned to Stop Saying, “I’m Sorry”
Who Is This Guilty Mom?
That Time I Said Shut Up to My Child…No, I’m Not Sorry
Dear Teenager, Sorry About the Toddler and Baby
Why I’m Done Apologizing for My C-Section
Stop Apologizing for Being Yourself
How a Photo of Benedict Cumberbatch Made Me a Better Mom
No Apology Needed
I Still Love My Stuff
Dear Women Everywhere: Let’s Make a Never Apologize for How We Look Without Makeup
The Lie That Fell Like a Curse
When Living Small Looks Like Choosing Your Hill
The Day I Didn’t Get Out of Bed
Why I’m Breaking Up with Five Minute Friday
Shunning Comparison
And lastly, a great video about not apologizing for not wearing makeup. As she says, “Looking like yourself is not something you need to apologize for.”
31 Days of “I’m Not Sorry” worked for me!
If this is your first time linking up with WFMW here, PLEASE read the guidelines I shared in this post. Highlights include linking your specific post, not the front page of your blog, and making sure to include a link back to this site in your WFMW. Thank you!!
Hi Mary, I had fun reading some of those articles in your series. Thanks for the beautiful collection of these posts. Would need a bookmark to read through these suggestions.
Thanks for today’s linkup.
Sweet Blessings to you
Thanks, Ifeoma!
Good Morning, Mary!
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been praying about a way that I could encourage other bloggers who have been encouraging me. Through your ministry, posts, words, comments, and faithfulness—your life has been a blessing to mine, and I wanted others to know about you!
So, I compiled a list of those bloggers who I’ve personally found to be the MOST INSPIRATIONAL on the web.
You are ONE Of these bloggers – in my estimation!
You can find the link to the list where you are featured here: http://www.melanieredd.com/the-100-most-inspiring-christian-blogs-on-the-web/
I’ve also signed up to get your emails, and tried to follow you on your social media outlets!
I pray that God will encourage you today through these simple acts~
Melanie!!! Thank you SO much! This is so sweet and encouraging. Thank you. :)
Thanks for including my post among your collection :)
You’re quite welcome! :)