Buy groceries.
Wait, no. Make grocery list first.
Oh, um, no. First figure out menu.
And pull up recipes from Pinterest.
Then make grocery list. And buy groceries.
Don’t forget foil pans.
Wait for Mark to fix the bathroom door.
Write T-Day schedule.
Plan to finish early enough to store dirty pans in oven.
And that’s just one to-do list for this week. I’ve also got regular house STUFF, a checkbook that needs to be balanced (um, last week), lots of laundry to do, a few extra guest posts that are due…or overdue, and {did I mention?} a dozen projects that feel life-or-death for a little thing called my book. Due this week.
Have you ever felt like your to-do list has morphed into a get-it-done-or-else list?
Is this the year you’re hoping it will all finally go right? Are you counting on extra hours in the day without a hint of red lights or burned biscuits or cranky kids? Are you sure this year will be different…and better? Do you NEED it to be different…and better?
What do you think will make that happen? Food Network casseroles and HGTV decor? Kids wearing matching sweaters and baring almost-normal grins in front of the fireplace? Maybe a craft table for the little ones and gratitude mad libs for the adults? An eloquent prayer before dinner, spectacular centerpieces, Pinterest-perfect pies?
Oh, I know, I know. You don’t REALLY think that. Me either. At least not out loud.
Just like I don’t REALLY base my holiday happiness on what others do and say and wear and eat. I certainly don’t base my mood and personal satisfaction on how well I perform – or how well others see me (or don’t). Nope. Not me.
Maybe this could be the year that the holidays ARE different. Because maybe this could be the year we give ourselves a break. The year we give our family and our friends, our pets and our kids, our shopping lists and our pie crusts a break.
Perhaps we could truly give up on the idea – the FAIRY TALE – of the perfect, calm, festive, nothing-goes-wrong and everyone-gets-along holidays.
Maybe this year could be the one we actually have a little fun and smile for real and mean it when we rattle off a list of what we’re thankful for.
What do you say? Can we do that? Can our Big Holiday Plans focus on accepting and even embracing our real lives? The ones with stained tablecloths and late lunches and dry turkey and rowdy kids and arguing uncles?
I think we can.
Let’s do this. Let’s plan on a different kind of holiday season this year. One where we look around with fully open eyes and equally open hearts, where we say, “Yes. THIS is my life. THIS is my family, my home, my Thanksgiving. It might not make the front of Martha Stewart’s magazine or inspire Norman Rockwell-ish paintings, but THIS is my real life…and I LOVE IT.”
How will YOU give up on a perfect Thanksgiving this week?
Giving up on a perfect Thanksgiving works for me!
If this is your first time linking up with WFMW here, PLEASE read the guidelines I shared in this post. Highlights include linking your specific post, not the front page of your blog, and making sure to include a link back to this site in your WFMW. Thank you!!
This is going to be a challenging Thanksgiving for me for several reasons, Mary. I want things to be different. I want to enjoy the holiday and not work so much that I’m cranky and sore … but it doesn’t look good. And I can’t change the circumstances, so I must change my attitude. Tall order, to be sure, but it can be done! Thanks for challenging us, my friend, and for your lovely linkup!
You know, one thing I didn’t even mention is that sometimes when the holidays are hard for other reasons, we try to numb ourselves with the work. I know I have certainly done that. I feel sad about someone who’s missing or for some other reason, so I work extra hard to distract myself. I don’t know your situation, Beth, but I will pray that you can find some peace and joy this week!
Great post Mary! My husband and I are sick with bad colds AND we are hosting this year again (we had given up the last few years since my Dad died) soooo, it will be different for sure! BUT, my youngest is driving home just in time for dinner and even her dad (not my husband) will join us. =) Let the games begin!! I have to tell you that for once I am totally amused with the thought instead of terrified with all the work. God is in control of all the real parts of our lives so let the rest fall where it may…
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU AND YOURS! And I look forward to hearing all about it.
Best, Lina
Giving up on a perfect Thanksgiving sounds like a good idea.
If I waited to have everything done I wanted to get done, well, let’s just say I’d go nuts.
Happy Thanksgiving!