Spring is not my favorite season. I really don’t like it much at all. I understand it’s much cooler than summer and warmer than winter — both good things in my book. But to me, spring is about allergies and tornadoes. And busy-ness. Spring always brings extra appointments and events and general scheduling chaos in my house.
No, I don’t like spring. But boy, do I ever like bursts of color and bright skies and the freedom of open windows. And even though I’m not much of a gardener (like, AT ALL), I sure do love seeing flowers pop up everywhere (even if the ones I buy for my front yard don’t last long because I forget to water them).
As spring as bloomed all around this year, I’ve been thinking about how much I don’t like it — and how hard God works to make me smile during this season anyway. Of course I’m not so selfish that I believe my neighbors’ flowers and bushes are just for me. But that doesn’t stop me from appreciating and enjoying them. And it doesn’t dampen my delight one bit when I discover a new (to me) bush full of pink flowers peeking out from the corner of a neighbor’s house.
I also haven’t been able to shake the idea of how those flowers and bushes and trees were all planted well before spring ever arrived — and how that’s just like joy sometimes.
If we never tried to find beauty or choose joy until our darkest days hit us, we might never spot the gifts God is offering us in the midst of our mess. But if we’ve made a habit of choosing joy and seeking beauty, if we’ve stored up moments and memories and all the things that have made us smile, we’ll be prepared with the tools, the armor we need to make it through the dark. Because just when we think life can’t get any harder or darker or messier, that’s when those seeds we’ve planted will push their way to the surface. That’s when the flowers will bloom and spring will return.
Because it always does return. God is the Creator and the Giver of new days and fresh mercies and blank slates . . . and springtime.
So while I still kinda-sorta hate spring for the allergy attacks and tornado warnings, I am still loving the moments of joy and beauty God is giving me right now.
My friend Sara obviously talked a lot about seeking beauty in the darkness and creating the habit (planting seeds) of choosing joy. But she also wrote on her blog several times about how exciting it was to see new plants or flowers on her patio.
Once she was unable to leave her house anymore, her window that faced a parking lot and other apartments was her only view. For the girl who grew up on a farm, that must have been a dismal arrangement. But Sara was blessed with generous and considerate friends who kept her view colorful with new plants and decorations each season. And so, even though she spent years without feeling grass under her feet or gazing at fields without a building in sight, Sara enjoyed and appreciated the little bit of the world and its beauty that her friends brought to her porch.
In honor of spring and seeds planted and the many ways God makes every season beautiful in its own way, I’m giving away a $100 gift card to Home Depot. That way you can pick out some flowers or seeds or pillows or flags or, I don’t know, ceramic frogs to bring a little more joy and spring to your life. (Or, if you find more joy in paint or light switches or plywood or extension cords, then go for that!)
Here’s how to enter: Use the Rafflecopter widget below to earn entries. A blog comment or a tweet will give you one chance to win this gift card, and proof of your purchase of Choose Joy will earn you five chances to win! A winner will be selected randomly after the giveaway closes at midnight on April 20.
Planting seeds of joy works for me!
If this is your first time linking up with WFMW here, PLEASE read the guidelines I shared in this post. Highlights include linking your specific post, not the front page of your blog, and making sure to include a link back to this site in your WFMW. Thank you!!
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Hey Mary!
Your giveaway is so exciting! Thanks so much for your generosity in sponsoring such a “spring-tastic” giveaway (I just made up that word). I hope to win! (forigve me for saying that.) :o)
I was unable to leave a comment for the contest in the field above so I hope it’s OK to leave it here: My favorite time of year is Fall, hands down! But I do love gardening in the spring.
Thanks for hosting another great linkup! Have a blessed week.
Your post reminds me of a childhood story that I loved called, Frederick. It was about a field mouse that saved up memories of summer when the cold winds of winter came blowing through. That’s when he would share his saved up memories with the other field mice who had been working so hard all summer long to store up grain or nuts. Spring has sprung around our neck of the woods and all those beautiful colors are back in our dreary, winter-weary lives! Thanks so much for the linkup, my friend! Hope you are doing well. :)
My favorite part of spring is when all the flowers are blooming. Instead of the grey, rainy, gloomy weather. Kinda reminds me of the part in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy walks out of her house and the movie goes from black and white to color. lol
I love the energy of spring. Everyone seems to have a renewed purpose as winter fades and spring enters the scene.
I like the warmer weather of spring and the flowers growing.
My favorite part of spring is seeing all of the flowers bloom!
I like the warmer weather and great to start gardening.
My favorite part of Spring is the sprouting of the flowers coming up out of the ground. I love seeing all my flowers after the cold winter and of course the warm Spring breezes and sun that I have been blessed with lately!
I love the spring flowers. So pretty.
I love dreaming of all the possibilities that Spring brings…gardens to be planted, long walks with the dogs, etc.
“Planting seeds of joy…” I like that! We have very few flowers in our yard, and I have been thinking this year about what I could do to add some pretty flowers.
My favorite part of spring is the sunshine, green grass, and flowers. I love seeing all of the colors come back after the snow melts.
I love the weather in spring. I love that it’s beautiful out without being too warm.
I love the sounds of spring! it is like an orchestra warming up, you start to hear birds, gurgling of the brooks, children laughing while playing outside, and all sorts of sounds the humdrum of activity outside
I love putting away my socks and my kid’s snow pants and snow boots! Yay spring!
The warmer weather is what I like most about spring.
I love the blooming bulbs- they have so much detail!
I love spring because the warmer weather finally allows me to go for runs outside in shorts vs treadmill running.
My favorite part of Spring is baseball starts :)
I would the weather!
Mary, The comment box wouldn’t let me in so here goes.. I love spring as I am a spring baby! I love fresh and fragrant smells of flowers and rain and even a little thunder that awakens my spirit! But most of all the day the snow is gone for good here in Colorado and I can fill up my fountain and hear the splashing water which gives me a splash of joy and makes me so happy! Can I help your spring and send you some allergy meds? LOL
I love being able to work on my garden and seeing it progress throughout the season
the weather and flowers!
I love the flowers blooming.
I love watching all of the flowers come to life and the smell of fresh cut grass. Ahhh!
my favorite part… flowers!!
Spring is fresh and a growing season — I put up with the allergies to see the beauty of the world coming to life.
i love being able to garden and hike!
i love the flowers!
my favorite part is attending the cherry blossom festival
I’d totally love an extra $100 bucks at the Depot! We’re gearing up to move and we’re at Home Depot like twice a week. ;)
I love being able to garden and do things outdoors
My favorite part of spring is planting all my seedlings that I’ve been nursing since the beginning of the year. And then enjoying my morning walks in my garden to see what flower is blooming.