What I'm Into - March 2016 | givinguponperfect.com

March is for tea parties. And Easter shoes and father/daughter dances and reading fun books. It was also a month for orthodontist appointments, real estate transactions, and taxes. So, basically, it was just like any other month – jam packed with great things and hard things and stressful things and fun things. Just like life, right?

After such a full month — and now that The Fog is beginning to liftI’m excited to write a What I’m Into post. Looking back at the books, TV shows, movies, music and other fun parts of a month is so fun! Even more fun, though, is hearing about what YOU have been into. So, please, make sure you share what you’ve been up to in the comments!

What I'm Reading :: March 2016 (givinguponperfect.com)

What I’m Reading

I have quit a whole lot of books this month. It’s like something inside me just broke and all of a sudden, I do NOT HAVE TIME for books I don’t love. Or at least enjoy. The ones that bore me or annoy me? I am finished! You know, without actually finishing the book. Snapping like this might not seem like a big deal to you, but it has freed me up to read some really fun books this month. So, winning!

The books I read:

  • Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas: It’s a YA fantasy with fairies. And it’s a fairy tale retelling. I haven’t been reading much fantasy lately, but I really enjoyed this one.
  • Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling: This follow-up to her first memoir was about the same for me — interesting, funny, smart, entertaining. And if her goal for writing about BJ Novak, her co-worker from The Office and ex-boyfriend/current best friend was to make me like him even less? She succeeded.
  • Pivot Point (and Split Second) by Kasie West: Oh, you guys. I LOVED these books! Kasie West has become one of my very favorite YA writers, but I’d put off reading this paranormal duo. Why? I have no idea (other than the covers not being appealing to me), because they were so fun. If you like paranormal YA, get them and read them now. You’ll thank me!
  • Map of Fates by Maggie Hall: This book is the second in a series that’s basically The Da Vinci Code for teens. I liked the first book okay, but I loved this second one. And now I’m anxious for the third book. Which won’t be out for another year.
  • Veritas by Holly Lauren: This was the third book in a YA paranormal fantasy, and it made me feel ALL THE EMOTIONS. The GenEx Saga series is written by a friend of a friend, and I can’t wait to read her next book. Realistic dialogue, intriguing plot, fun and romantic and action-packed and all-around awesome.
  • The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: This author is hit or miss with me, so I hadn’t been overly anxious to read her latest YA novel. It’s political suspense, and I liked it pretty well. Not my favorite, but definitely worth the read — and I’ll definitely read the next in the series.

The books I’m reading now (or next):

  • The Travelers by Chris Pavone: I really liked the other two complex mysteries featuring complex people by Pavone, and I was excited to see he’d written a third. I’m about halfway through now and I’m not sure about it. It’s a little more coarse than I remember his other books being, but the story is intriguing. The ratio of dialogue to description is a little light on conversation for my preferences, but the descriptions are almost beautiful enough to make up for it.
  • Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan: I’ve started this one, based on the recommendation of pretty much everyone I know who reads books. I like it but have been able to put it down pretty easily. I suspect I’ll get hooked a few more chapters in.
  • The Immortals by Jordanna Max Brodsky: Amy from Mom Advice recommended this book, a mystery about Greek gods living in modern-day New York City. I like mysteries…and the Percy Jackson series about Greek gods, so it seemed like something I’d love. So far, it’s just okay. I’ll keep you posted.
  • I’ll Be Yours by Jenny B. Jones: This is waiting for me on my Kindle. As soon as I finish all these in-progress books, this one — which I know I’ll love — is my reading reward!

What I'm Watching :: March 2016 :: givinguponperfect.com

What I’m Watching

Right now, my favorite shows are Grinder, Madam Secretary, Flash and Arrow. Grinder almost (but not quite) fills my Parks & Recreation-shaped hole. And Madam Secretary is just so, so good. As in I say, out loud, every time I watch it, THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD! And Flash and Arrow, well, they’re just super fun!

Not quite as super fun to me is Supergirl. Which is a total bummer, because I had such high hopes for it. But to be honest it just kind of bored me. (I did read that the Flash/Supergirl crossover was fantastic. Which almost makes me want to start watching again. But not quite.)

My other favorite show is consistent with my recent reading habits. It’s Stitchers, essentially a YA sci-fi show on Freeform (formerly ABC Family). I was so excited to see it come back a couple weeks ago, and I watch it before anything else on my DVR. It’s silly but it’s fun, and I like it. So there.

As if my DVR isn’t full enough (don’t even ask me how many episodes of Suits and Jane the Virgin I need to watch!), then there’s Netflix. Mark and I have been working through all the seasons of Blue Bloods, and I’m sad we’re almost to the end of the last season available. I’m going to miss the Reagans when we finish this season!

When Mark’s not around I’ve been watching a little bit of One Tree Hill (It almost — but not quite — fills my Friday Night Lights-shaped hole.) and re-watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (in preparation for season two being released on April 15).

What I'm Listening To :: March 2016 :: givinguponperfect.com

What I’m Listening to

When I’m not being harassed by the small people in my house to listen to the Kidz Bop station — or play Kidz Bop videos on YouTube — I’ve been listening to a lot of Justin Bieber. I know. It sounds like those two things aren’t all that different. And they aren’t. But I cannot help it. And I won’t stop. A few of my other recent favorites are:

I found that last song on Pandora. On my station that plays High Dive Heart, Andy Grammer, Walk the Moon, Casey Abrams, Olly Murs, MKTO, Anthem Lights, One Republic, and Imagine Dragons. And, apparently, The Vamps. I love that station.


What I’ve Been Doing in Real Life

March was a full month in our house! And it was full of special events where the girls got to wear pretty dresses. Yay! Spring! We started off with my mom’s annual tea party, and the next weekend was the Father/Daughter Dance for the elementary school. Then we had spring break and putting our house on the market and, of course, Easter. I also spoke at several MOPS groups and recorded a few podcasts. Whew! What a fun few weeks!

Although, that recap does kind of explain why this video from the Holderness family is so funny to me:

And, last but not least, here are a couple of my favorite spring posts (you know, if you need something to read!):

Why a Baseball Game Made Me Cry | via givinguponperfect.com

5 Stages of Discovering a Blog | via givinguponperfect.com

I’m linking up to What I’m Into with Leigh Kramer — a great place to find fun, smart recommendations about what to read, watch, eat, listen to or do next!

So, tell me: what have YOU been into lately?


What should you watch next?


Every month, we are bombarded with new TV series and movies—and it can be overwhelming to figure out what to watch! (I know, I know, what a problem to have!) I'm here to help. My monthly Watch Guides list out all the returning series, new series, and new movies, along with premiere dates and where to watch them. Plus, I tell you my personal picks for the month to help you narrow it all down.

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Mary Carver
What I'm Into - March 2016 | givinguponperfect.com
What I'm Reading :: March 2016 (givinguponperfect.com)
What I'm Watching :: March 2016 :: givinguponperfect.com
What I'm Listening To :: March 2016 :: givinguponperfect.com
Why a Baseball Game Made Me Cry | via givinguponperfect.com
5 Stages of Discovering a Blog | via givinguponperfect.com
Mary Carver
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