My first real job out of college was planning fundraising events. I loved so many parts of that job, including the amazing people I got to work with — both colleagues and volunteers. One event, though, was a little harder to enjoy — especially in the people-I-got-to-work-with department.
The event was a regatta. Which, in case you are unaware (as I was), is a fancy boat race. A fancy boat race for fancy people. And, in my case, fancy people who treated me like the hired help. Which, okay, technically I was. But that doesn’t mean I enjoyed or appreciated being yelled at and sneered at and generally treated like I was so very less-than.
Still, on the day of the event, after everything was said and done (yelled and done, if you must know), I got to spend a couple hours lounging on a sailboat with my husband and two friends. Now, granted, I get seasick and generally hate activities that make me sweat.
But it was kind of fun. Really.
And that actually has very little to do with what is working for me this week. But it’s related! It really is. See, now that we’ve moved, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the car. And also a lot of time trying to find the motivation necessary to do the work that is required. And so I’ve needed some good tunes.
When I detangled hangers and sorted socks and organized the heck out of our closet? I listened to the Sorta Awesome Hip Hop Collab playlist on Spotify.
And when I finally cracked open my laptop to catch up on some work, I avoided distraction by listening to the upbeat-but-lyric-free Beats for Studying station on Pandora.
But while I have both Spotify and Pandora apps on my phone, I don’t use them to listen in my car. Where I’ve been spending a lot of time. With my children.
I don’t know why. I just like radio, okay? Including satellite radio. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that 90s on 9 and 80s on 8 are in heavy rotation, as well as Hits 1 and Kidz Bop. (And Prime Country. Yep.) But on a recent road trip, I discovered the beauty of the Limited Edition station. As I was driving back, alone, in the dark, and desperately inhaling snacks and soda to keep myself awake, I stumbled onto Limited Edition: the Billy Joel version. BILLY JOEL HIMSELF was sharing the inspiration for all of his most loved songs — and it was AMAZING.
It definitely kept me awake until I got home.
Once I realized the beauty of the Limited Edition station, I checked in every few days. Last week I found it was Limited Edition: Road Trip Radio — or, as I called it, The Station Playing Awesome Songs. Because that’s what it did. It drew songs from various genres and eras, but they were all (or at least nine out of 10) awesome. I’d found my new favorite station (and it was especially apropos given the many miles I’ve been putting on my car lately).
Or at least it was. For a few days. Remember? LIMITED edition. *sigh*
And my amazing station that played Livin’ on a Prayer and Vogue and Bohemian Rhapsody and Bad Romance and Kokomo in the same hour? Was replaced by…
Did you guys know this is a thing? Yacht rock is, apparently, a brand of soft rock. According to Wikipedia (where ELSE would I look up this kind of thing?), “Yacht rock is a pejorative name used retrospectively to refer to the soft rock format that peaked in popularity between the years of 1975 and 1981. In part, the term relates to the stereotype of the yuppie yacht owner, enjoying smooth music while out for a sail.”
That does explain the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous voice on the station’s promos.
But you know what cannot be explained? MY DEEP AND ABIDING LOVE FOR YACHT ROCK.
Yeah, you heard me. It took me all of one verse of Sister Golden Hair to get over the loss of Road Trip Radio. And now it has a permanent spot on my presets. Because relaxing to the slow jams of the seventies — while also annoying my girls who JUST WANT TO LISTEN TO KIDZ BOP — is making all the driving we’ve been doing SO MUCH BETTER.
It’s not cool. I realize that. It’s not even in the same dictionary as cool. But I do not care one tiny bit. I’m sure my love — or at least my willingness to admit it — will be as limited as the station. But in the meantime, if you need me, I’ll be sailing away with a little Christopher Cross.
Embarrassing or not, yacht rock is working for me.
What’s working for you this week?
And do you have your own musical confession you’d like to share? Hmmm?
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Love this!
Tehehehe yacht rock! Who knew??? Music makes a huge difference in my motivation and attitude too… but yacht rock is new to me. :P Thanks for the smile, and the fun party!
Yes, look it up! It is a thing – and so smooth and relaxing. ;)
OhMyGoodness, I have never heard of Yacht Rock before, but just by your examples, I can tell I would be totally Sailing along with you in my enjoyment of that station!
We could rock (softly) together! ;)
I did not know yacht rock was a thing! I’m thankful for the variety of sources we have to listen to music these days.
Yes, me too! My kids can’t fathom the days when you had to wait to hear your favorite song on the radio! :)