hiking boots

I wanted to be clever and title this post something like, “If the shoe fits…” or “When the shoe is on the other foot…” or “Waiting for the other shoe to drop…” But the truth is, that would have been more confusing than clever. Sad story.

Still, I want to talk about shoes today. Both in the “I found what works” and the “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” ways. [Side note: You sang that last bit to the tune of the U2 song, right? Because if not, I think that’s weird. No, YOU’RE weird.]

[Side note, yes, another one: We had friends over for dinner on Sunday, and when I began a story, Annalyn said I should start at the beginning. So I said, “Well, see, back in 1988…” Apparently nobody needed me to go back quite that far. Which is relevant, if you just read on…]

Well, see, back in 2014 or possibly even 2013… No, really. When I was pregnant with Adrienne, I got these cheap-but-cute flip flops. They were black and comfy and matched everything, and so I wore them. Nonstop. For the good part of two years. Maybe more.

It was no surprise, then, that my feet started hurting like a son of a gun several months ago. Between the weight I have gained over the past several years and the lack of any support whatsoever from my shoes, my feet have gotten real mad at me. For the past year I’ve tried wearing more supportive shoes more often, but I haven’t been very faithful. Which is stupid, because when your feet hurt it’s kind of hard to do anything. Like walk.


Now that it’s summer, though, I need flip flops — and so I kept talking about how I needed to buy more supportive ones WHILE STILL WEARING THE PAPER-THIN PAIR WITH NO SUPPORT. It has worked about as well as you’d expect in the department of OH MY GOSH, MY FEET HURT SO BAD.

But no more! A couple weeks ago I finally took myself to a shoe store and BOUGHT SOME COMFY, SUPPORTIVE FLIP FLOPS.

I know. It’s beyond ridiculous that I would take so long to just take care of myself. Self care is not my strong suit, that’s for sure. But THE POINT IS that I bought a pair of shoes AND THEY ARE GREAT. And since I’ve seen or heard several friends searching for comfortable and/or supportive flip flops recently, too, I figured I’d share my find with you!

I got a pair of black Crocs flip flops. I got a light pink and gray pair of Crocs flip flops from a blogging event years ago, and they were amazingly cushy. But after a while, the plastic part between my toes got on my nerves — and, to be honest, I just stopped liking how they looked. But these have a sleeker design AND I LOVE THEM.

If you are in the market for comfortable, supportive flip flops, try Crocs. You might be surprised at how cute they are (on top of making you say silly things like, “It’s as if I’m walking on pillows!” … Hypothetically, of course.). And no, I’m not getting paid to say that. Nobody gave me free shoes this time. I just love them that much.

As I prepare for my trip to Africa, I’m also in the market for some good walking or tennis shoes. That’s the part I still haven’t found. I mean, I bought a pair. But then I decided I didn’t like them. So I’m still looking. Not that the clock is ticking or anything. (THE CLOCK IS TOTALLY TICKING I LEAVE IN LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!) So if you have a favorite walking or tennis shoe, tell us all about it in the comments!

My comfy-but-cute Crocs flip flops — and a little common sense and self care — are working for me this week.

Do you have a favorite supportive but cute shoe?


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