I wanted to be clever and title this post something like, “If the shoe fits…” or “When the shoe is on the other foot…” or “Waiting for the other shoe to drop…” But the truth is, that would have been more confusing than clever. Sad story.
Still, I want to talk about shoes today. Both in the “I found what works” and the “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” ways. [Side note: You sang that last bit to the tune of the U2 song, right? Because if not, I think that’s weird. No, YOU’RE weird.]
[Side note, yes, another one: We had friends over for dinner on Sunday, and when I began a story, Annalyn said I should start at the beginning. So I said, “Well, see, back in 1988…” Apparently nobody needed me to go back quite that far. Which is relevant, if you just read on…]
Well, see, back in 2014 or possibly even 2013… No, really. When I was pregnant with Adrienne, I got these cheap-but-cute flip flops. They were black and comfy and matched everything, and so I wore them. Nonstop. For the good part of two years. Maybe more.
It was no surprise, then, that my feet started hurting like a son of a gun several months ago. Between the weight I have gained over the past several years and the lack of any support whatsoever from my shoes, my feet have gotten real mad at me. For the past year I’ve tried wearing more supportive shoes more often, but I haven’t been very faithful. Which is stupid, because when your feet hurt it’s kind of hard to do anything. Like walk.
Now that it’s summer, though, I need flip flops — and so I kept talking about how I needed to buy more supportive ones WHILE STILL WEARING THE PAPER-THIN PAIR WITH NO SUPPORT. It has worked about as well as you’d expect in the department of OH MY GOSH, MY FEET HURT SO BAD.
But no more! A couple weeks ago I finally took myself to a shoe store and BOUGHT SOME COMFY, SUPPORTIVE FLIP FLOPS.
I know. It’s beyond ridiculous that I would take so long to just take care of myself. Self care is not my strong suit, that’s for sure. But THE POINT IS that I bought a pair of shoes AND THEY ARE GREAT. And since I’ve seen or heard several friends searching for comfortable and/or supportive flip flops recently, too, I figured I’d share my find with you!
I got a pair of black Crocs flip flops. I got a light pink and gray pair of Crocs flip flops from a blogging event years ago, and they were amazingly cushy. But after a while, the plastic part between my toes got on my nerves — and, to be honest, I just stopped liking how they looked. But these have a sleeker design AND I LOVE THEM.
If you are in the market for comfortable, supportive flip flops, try Crocs. You might be surprised at how cute they are (on top of making you say silly things like, “It’s as if I’m walking on pillows!” … Hypothetically, of course.). And no, I’m not getting paid to say that. Nobody gave me free shoes this time. I just love them that much.
As I prepare for my trip to Africa, I’m also in the market for some good walking or tennis shoes. That’s the part I still haven’t found. I mean, I bought a pair. But then I decided I didn’t like them. So I’m still looking. Not that the clock is ticking or anything. (THE CLOCK IS TOTALLY TICKING I LEAVE IN LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!) So if you have a favorite walking or tennis shoe, tell us all about it in the comments!
My comfy-but-cute Crocs flip flops — and a little common sense and self care — are working for me this week.
Do you have a favorite supportive but cute shoe?
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I like flip flops and Crocs too, Mary, but don’t feel like even my beloved Crocs are all that great for my feet. That does NOT mean I don’t still wear them! They feel better than some of those paper thin flip flops that are oh so cute and have to be worn once in a while, right? ;) But I’m still looking for some summer footwear that is actually very good for my feet and not just feel good, if you know what I mean. Hope you find some good walking shoes before your trip!
I actually wear Crocs for work. They aren’t the traditional Crocs with holes in them (my mom gave me a pair once and I really didn’t like the way they felt.) They are leather and you’d never know they were Crocs on the inside. But, they are very supportive. They weren’t cheap, but I have a brown pair and a black pair because I’m that hip. They probably aren’t good for Africa, but does Crocs make a tennis shoes?
I feel your pain…literally. I have bunions and so shoe buying — and wearing — are problematic.
I don’t know what terrain you’re expecting to cover in Africa, but the Skechers Go Walk shoes are cushy and comfortable and accessible lots of places. And it’s hard to go wrong with Merrells or Clarks. Keene are also comfortable and sturdy and can even be gotten wet.
With your trip imminent, Zappos.com is your best friend! Order any and everything that looks like a possibility. Their shipping is lightning quick, free BOTH ways, and you have a year to return. So order, go to Africa, and return what didn’t work after you get back.
I have terrible feet and I run, which only makes them worse. The ONLY flip flops that are truly supportive for me are Vionic. They are pricey, indeed, but truly make my life so much better. Because I wear slippers when I’m home, I even fork over the $80 for slippers…I’m such an old lady. All their shoes are wonderfully supportive and my go-to when I can.
Otherwise, I use the Umberto Raffini brand (The Walking Company, look for sales) and Asics Kayano for sneakers. I love Keens or Vasque for hiking/rough terrain. For casual or short term wear, I can get by with Clark, B.O.C. or Life Stride/Dr. Scholls.
I never used to worry about my shoes, but after a solid year of horrible pain that truly was depressing, I make it a priority. These are serious life-enhancers! Also, try the Powerstep Insoles…they are the only ones that make a difference. I’m not sure what your actual foot issues are (mine are plantar fasciitis and over pronation), but take care of them because they seriously affect quality of life.
Good luck!
Another vote for Skechers Go Walk, and I also like Reebok Skyscape Harmony, BUT it’s important to add that one of the most important reasons I like them is that they accommodate my orthotics. Just before turning 40, I was diagnosed with arthritis at the base of my big toes, caused by putting too much stress on that joint in my years of wearing flimsy shoes with inadequate arch support while walking several miles a day on concrete.
You may or may not need to see a podiatrist about getting “real” orthotics, but what you can do in the next week is buy insoles at the drugstore and try them out. Dr. Scholl’s light blue arch-supporting type fit in my dress shoes (where the podiatrist’s do not) and they help a lot!
Chacos! I’ve lived in them this summer. Super Feet are the best supportive insoles.
Birkenstocks have cork soles that mold to your feet. They make a few pretty ones in a flip flop style with additional straps, and they’re very comfortable with decent arch support.
I have no idea what Croc’s are!! I’m 78 but not too old to try something new, especially if I can find them at a resale shop!! teehee
If I bought them new how much are they?