I’ve been keeping a running list of funny, “real life” stories to share with you all. And as I read through it tonight, I couldn’t help it. I just started laughing. Reading it all at once felt like one of those life-with-kids-goes-awry montages from a movie. You know, the ones that have kitchen fires and dogs running through mud — and then on the freshly mopped floors — and naked babies and kids who really should be wearing helmets if they’re going to do that sort of thing?
Yeah, apparently that’s been my life recently.
In our old house we only had one smoke alarm because it was a very small house. And we really only needed one. But in the new house, we have more than that — and THEY ARE TOUCHY. I mean, real trigger happy, these things. Like, I’m browning ground beef on the stove and the steam gets a little out of control and BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP! (And also, cue one kid crying because she doesn’t like that sound and another one acting like she can’t hear me over the alarm when I ask her, oh-so-politely, to please FORTHELOVE open the back door.)
The funny thing is that we haven’t actually caught any food on fire — but Mark did lose a pot holder to the oven a couple weeks ago. I just laughed when it happened, but I also thought it gave me a good reason to buy new pot holders. Like half our stuff, our matching pot holders were wedding gifts. Sixteen years ago. So one is unraveling, and one has the imprint of a stove burner on it (from a previous incident), and now we have one tossed into the sink because it’s on fire.
Of course I haven’t bought any new pot holders yet. Not because they’re so expensive; they’re what? $2.99 at Walmart? And not because I haven’t been to any stores that sell pot holders. I’ll tell you another day about my recent trips to IKEA (not to mention, I swear I go to the grocery store EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE) (I don’t but I feel like it). But because I keep forgetting. Hashtag mom brain, right?
Last week we had a real meltdown at our house. The late afternoon and evening — already the so-called “witching hour” for kids the world over — feels even more difficult because it’s not just time for homework and dinner and baths and bed. It’s also when Mark is getting up and getting ready for work. So it’s crazy town, all the time. And you add in two little girls pouring a giant bottle of bubbles all over the front porch while one parent showers and the other one works on dinner and dishes? PREPARE FOR THE MELTDOWN, MAN.
In the moment that evening in particular was really stressful for our family. But in hindsight I just have to laugh, just like I did when Mark caught a pot holder on fire. Because that’s just LIFE, isn’t it? Washing a dish, then running to the front door to check on the girls, washing two more dishes, then yelling at the girls to shut the door {again.}, mixing up a marinade and opening a can of green beans, then noticing that one of those girls is squishing when she walks. All over the floor that just got cleaned.
Sometimes life — with kids or without, in movie montages and in real life — is all about putting out fires. Preferably with a fire extinguisher, guys. Not a pot holder.
I know there’s a great metaphor in there about … something. But today I’m just going with the fact that life is crazy and funny and full of a whole lot of fires that need to be put out. And knowing that and accepting that and facing it head on, hopefully with a little humor? Well, that works for me.
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Dear Mary, please do put up that IKEA post soon, because (prepare for possible shock) I have never been but am planning a trip with a friend soon and need to study up. Also, I, personally, am funding the retirement plans of at least half my local grocery store’s employees. ;)
Okay, just in case I don’t get my IKEA post up before your trip, here are some serious tips. First, make a list of what you need. Second, make a preliminary “trip” on the website. Because I don’t live too far from the store here, I actually went for the first time with my brother (and my 2yo, so FUN :/ ) about two weeks before going with my husband to make actual purchases. Third, wear comfortable shoes. Fourth, don’t leave your phone in the curtain rod section. (Hopefully you don’t need that fourth tip, but I’m just sharing my real-life experience here…) Good luck! And I’m putting “IKEA” on my editorial calendar for next week!
Humor goes a long way! My husband is great at diffusing a tense moment with humor.
So true! I didn’t appreciate my husband’s talent in this area for a long time, and I’ve been trying to learn how to cultivate that humor again.
This reminds me of my old house. The smoke alarm was in the kitchen. Unless I removed the battery every time I prepared a meal, the alarm would go off when the hot oven was opened. SO frustrating!
The crazy thing is that ours isn’t even in the kitchen! As my husband says, this is why we need our old house’s attic fan, for a cross breeze to prevent this from happening! NOT that we’re complaining about the new house! But you know, shrieking alarms are annoying no matter what kind of house they’re in! ;)
I was already giggling like crazy from your post, Mary, but then I saw the banter between you and Elizabeth and now I’m caught up in a whole other fit of them! And I seriously hope these crazy new smoke detectors of yours aren’t like ours, which do NOT turn off, no matter how many times I push the button…hold the button down…ram the button with a broom handle…knock the silly thing clear off the wall – it’s still beeps! Gosh, I hope I finally put the battery back in that thing…
Haha! Lisa, your comment made me laugh, because I’m assuming you know from experience how resilient your smoke detector is! :)
Love this! Love your sense of humor and your sweet family stories! Life is always better when you can laugh about it, right? (And for what it’s worth, I have a smoke detector in my kitchen that has saran wrap over it. There’s my WFMW tip for you!) :)
Ooooh, saran wrap! That’s smart! :)