I’m pretty sure my brain looks a little bit like that picture up there. And when I started thinking about writing a 31 Days series (31 days of writing on the same topic), that image is what immediately came to mind.
Nester — home decor blogger, friend, and owner of one of very best laughs — started the 31 Days project several years ago, when she challenged her readers to join her in a month-long commitment to exploring one topic. She’s since passed the torch to Crystal Stine, who is leading up this year’s #write31days project.
In October.
Which starts on Saturday.
Yikes! When this week started and I realized that October was barrelling toward me like a freight train (and I’ve told you how I feel about trains), I started questioning my decision to write a 31 Days series this year.
I mean, really. I haven’t been able to post more than a couple times a week for months now. Do I really think I can manage every single day? Thirty-one times in a row?
In the past four years, I haven’t yet posted every single day in October. (See 31 Days of Giving Up on Perfect, Fairy Tales, Making Lemonade, and I’m Not Sorry.) So is it possible THIS COULD BE THE YEAR? (Even after it’s been such a lackluster blogging year?!)
Maybe. Maybe not. But I’m going to try. Because aside from pushing me to write more, this project helps me organize my thoughts and ideas. Basically, it turns my brain from the above photo into something closer to this one:
Starting this weekend, I’ll be writing every day about the intersection of pop culture and faith. I’ll share encouraging messages inspired by books, music, TV and movies. It’s going to be fun, and I hope you’ll stick around for the whole 31-day series!
Are you a writer? Will you be writing a 31 Days series this year?
If this is your first time linking up with WFMW here, PLEASE read the guidelines I shared in this post. Highlights include linking your specific post, not the front page of your blog, and making sure to include a link back to this site in your WFMW. Thank you!!
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OhMyGoodness, YES! That’s exactly what my brain looks like, too! I can’t wait to read your series – I’m wondering if you’ll touch on some of the same things I’ve been reading about in a book called Hipster Christianity. I’m writing my series on games that 3-yr-olds (and older) can have fun playing. Have a great week, Mary!
Games for 3yos sounds great. Can’t wait to see what you’re going to share!
That’s a great topic, Mary! I never felt more in my groove than I did writing 31 days last year! I’m doing it again this year but it will look really different.
Can’t wait to see what you have planned, Lisa!