Fast Talk & Faith, a 22-day devotional inspired by Gilmore Girls

“Now I’m supposed to look pretty and girly, which is completely impossible
because I’m gross, and I have nothing to wear.”
– Rory, Kiss and Tell (Season 1, Episode 7)

According to the internet fall is the most beloved of all seasons. Yes, I see you with your tall boots and blanket scarf, you with your giant mug o’ pumpkin spice latte lighting that pumpkin spice candle, you buying all the things called cozy. You love fall. (So do I.)

But if I’m real honest, I have to confess autumn brings a few things I could do without. Namely, jeans – and their way of pointing out things that my summertime skirts skimmed right over. Honestly. Judgmental jeans are the worst!

Even though I adore leaves and pumpkins and mums, fall can be hard on a girl looking for an outfit. It seems like I end up wardrobe-depressed, convinced I’m gross and have nothing to wear, nearly every day. In those moments I have two choices: I can let the voices calling me ugly send me into a panic (like Gilmores and I tend to do) or I can remember the Truth and shake it off.

Sometimes, in a crisis of closet proportions, we need a friend or sister or Lorelai to choose the exact perfect shirt, the one that says, “Hello, I’m hip and cute but also relaxed since this is something I just threw on even though it looks fantastic on me.” But other times our insecurity runs deeper and we need wise counsel more than witty banter.

What do you do when the voices outside or in say you’re not enough? Not girly enough or pretty enough, not funny or clever enough, not crafty or outgoing enough? What do you do when you feel ugly or fat or skinny or short or loud or clumsy or awkward or whatever?

I tend to hide. I pretend and I hide, and I bury it all so deep I think you can’t see it or my muffin top. And I probably throw on a cardigan, even if it’s one of those warm fall days and not a cool fall day. But I know that’s not what God desires for me – or for you.

So let’s try something else.

Let’s try standing in front of the mirror today – without grimacing or flinching. Let’s look ourselves in the face and say, out loud, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” I know, it’s a little Stuart Smalley, but this is more important than an SNL sketch. Ask God to remove your feelings of insignificance or insecurity; ask Him to open your eyes to the beauty He sees when He looks at you. Praise Him for His creation.

And then snuggle into all the flannel and wool layers you desire, secure in the truth that you are beautiful and wonderfully made.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
– Psalm 139:14 (NIV)


This was an excerpt from Fast Talk & Faith: A 22-Day Devotional Inspired by Gilmore Girls. If you would like 21 more days of encouragement from our friends in Stars Hollow, click here to buy the book today!

This post may be linked to these amazing carnivals and link parties.

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