The Couch: Conversations About Pop Culture & Why It Matters

Today my friend Kristen Strong joined me again, this time to talk about fictional friend groups and our desire to belong. We talk about all the best groups of friends (or at least the ones that seem the most fun) and debate why there seem to be more shows about friends now than there were a few decades ago.

And, unrelated but still so valuable, Kristen shared her recipe for the perfect iced chai latte at Starbucks: almond milk, light ice, extra pump of chai. Enjoy and you’re welcome.

If you’ve ever wished you could hang out with the gang at MacLaren’s or find a place where everybody knows your name, this episode is for you!

If you missed it: click here for your free copy of Short-Lived Shows for Every Season.




Welcome to The Couch!

Download the episode here or listen below!


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The Couch: Conversations About Pop Culture & Why It Matters
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