The Couch: Conversations About Pop Culture & Why It Matters

Hello, friends! That’s no pun intended, but it just so happens that today’s episode is all about Friends. The TV show, that is. In honor of the show’s 25th anniversary (which is ridiculous because 1994 was just a couple years ago), I invited my friend and proven Friends expert, Kayse, to chat with me. Actually, I asked her to please give us a primer or refresher on Friends with the best episodes and guest stars and quotes. Boy, did she deliver. Kayse knows and loves her Friends!

We also talk a little bit about new TV shows coming out this fall, which is either more or less interesting once you realize we are planning to watch the exact same shows. Great minds clearly think alike! Will you agree with Kayse’s list of best Friends episodes? Are you planning to watch the same new shows are? Listen to find out – and then let us know!




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The Couch: Conversations About Pop Culture & Why It Matters
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