This is not an episode about Daisy Jones and the Six. I mean, we’re going to talk about that but mainly to get us to the topic we are covering, which is movies about starting a band. Yes, it’s similar. Yes, there’s a reason for that! We just know that after you watch Daisy Jones, you’re going to be looking for more “let’s start a band” content. And that’s where we come in.

My friend and fellow podcaster, Emily Humphries, is here to help me make a list of all the best movies (plus a TV series as a bonus) about getting the band together. These movies have all the overcoming underdogs, melodramatic creatives, and shockingly fantastic musical performances you’re looking for. It will certainly get you from week to week as you wait for new episodes of Daisy Jones or help fill the void when the miniseries is over.

And of course, because this is The Couch, where side notes and rabbit trails are always welcome, we have quite the conversation about country music history, parenting kids with an age gap, and how freaking tired we all are. But you know, in a totally fun way!

All right, this is a fun one, friends. You are so going to fall in love with Emily and also have the very best watch list after this episode. So let’s get started!



  • Planning a Harry Potter birthday party
  • Regency romance novels (again)
  • Sunday afternoon naps (again and always and forever, amen)


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