When the Phone Rings in the Middle of the Night

When the Phone Rings in the Middle of the Night

Nobody calls in the middle of the night with good news. My normally innocent ringtone turned ominous the moment it broke the silence and woke me from a sound sleep. After being startled awake in that manner, I wasn’t even surprised to hear sobbing when I finally...

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Mary Carver
The Couch Podcast #111: Watching LOST for the First Time (with Amanda White)
The Couch Podcast #110: The Actors We Want in More Hallmark Movies (with Anna Rendell)
When the Phone Rings in the Middle of the Night
The Couch Podcast #109 – How Reading YA Books Builds Empathy (with Jessie Weaver)
The Couch Podcast #108: Talking Turning Red with Tasha Jun & Michelle Reyes
Mary Carver
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