by Mary Carver | Oct 6, 2012 | Giving Up on Perfect
In my imaginary world (where I don’t have to give up on perfect because it’s so attainable and all?), I planned ahead. I didn’t procrastinate at all. I jumped into draft mode months ago and had polished posts ready to publish days before leaving town...
by Mary Carver | Oct 5, 2012 | Faith Life
When I left my house last Friday morning, I had packed my husband, my daughter and myself for more than a week. I managed to get all of our shoes, underwear and toilet articles in the car and only forgot a few things. Unfortunately, one of those forgotten items was my...
by Mary Carver | Oct 4, 2012 | Faith Life
I can see it so clearly in my mind. I was sitting on the [closed] toilet, watching my mom do something at the sink. Or maybe she was fixing my hair. Either way, I was with my mom in the bathroom (and that’s the part I can see clearly, okay?). We were talking...
by Mary Carver | Oct 3, 2012 | Faith Life
I had just put my daughter to bed, filled up my big water glass and curled up on the couch. I had the remote handy while I clicked around online. Just a few minutes into my Friday night wind-down routine, the lights flickers once, twice and then poof! The house was...
by Mary Carver | Oct 2, 2012 | Faith Life
My mom, my daughter and I walked out of the department store, laughing about how eager the salesman at the door was to help us or – more likely – sell us something. “Yeah,” I said, “I don’t go shopping to talk to people!” We...