What I Do on Sunday Mornings

What I Do on Sunday Mornings

The spring after my sophomore year of college, I signed up to substitute teach in my hometown. I was busy planning my wedding, but I was also preparing for the monthly bills I knew would come with my new, grown-up life. Spending a few days as the cool college student...
Teenage Dreams :: Link-Up #4

Teenage Dreams :: Link-Up #4

When I was a senior in high school, I wanted to be Michelle Pfeiffer in Up Close & Personal. I’d report important stories. I’d travel the world. I’d even fall in love with a handsome, not-nearly-as-old-looking-as-he-is-now Robert Redford if I...
Life to the Full

Life to the Full

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 To follow 31 Days of Giving Up on Fairy Tales – and make sure you don’t miss a single post, subscribe to this blog. (And when you...
Happiness is Like a Palace

Happiness is Like a Palace

Are you fighting for your happiness? What are the dragons preventing your happiness? How do you conquer those dragons – and rescue your happiness? ——————To follow 31 Days of Giving Up on Fairy Tales – and make sure you...

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Mary Carver
What I Do on Sunday Mornings
Teenage Dreams :: Link-Up #4
Life to the Full
Happiness is Like a Palace
Somewhere between the Bravermans & the Griswolds
Mary Carver
Fast Talk & Faith
Choose Joy
Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion