by Mary Carver | Jan 27, 2014 | Faith Life
This post was originally published on (in)courage in July 2013…but it seems pretty relevant during these rough-but-beautiful newborn days! Sometimes a difficult day comes out of nowhere, surprising you with its frustrations and challenges. Sometimes, though,...
by Mary Carver | Jan 13, 2014 | Faith Life, Family Life, parenting
If all goes as planned (I KNOW. But it might, okay?), I’ll deliver my second baby girl this morning. As I planned and prepared over the past month, my emotions swung from one extreme to another, fueled by memories and fears and anticipation and nerves. And, you...
by Mary Carver | Jan 6, 2014 | Faith Life
“So, what do you do?” How many times have we heard (or asked) that question, meeting someone for the first time at a party, a charity event, a church dinner? It comes almost immediately after the exchange of names and determines how the rest of that...
by Mary Carver | Jan 1, 2014 | Faith Life
Sometimes God likes to – or needs to – smack me over the head with a Truth. After doing my best to ignore it (or genuinely missing what He’s trying to teach me), suddenly a theme will appear EVERYWHERE. A couple weeks ago, it was the idea of...
by Mary Carver | Dec 23, 2013 | Faith Life
Yesterday I took Annalyn to the pediatrician. I knew her fever and coughing and never-ending nose-blowing was probably just a cold, but I didn’t want to take the chance of her getting worse over Christmas. Good thing, because it turns out the poor baby has...