WFMW: Oreo Magic Brownies

WFMW: Oreo Magic Brownies

As I was working on some blog planning today, I realized that I missed a big day. National Oreo Day was last month, apparently. And we missed it! Since I love all things Oreo and cookies-and-cream-flavored, this is indeed sad. Since I’ve rejoined Weight...
WFMW: Make-Ahead Mini Quiches

WFMW: Make-Ahead Mini Quiches

I am not a morning person. [People who have lived with me, feel free to hashtag that with #understatement…] I’m not. I like staying up late and do it even when I shouldn’t, even when I have to get up early (or what morning people call...

WFMW: Recipe Roundups

I love Pinterest. And I love looking for – and trying – new recipes. But sometimes? Sometimes Pinterest can be just teensy bit overwhelming! That’s why I love finding recipe roundups. One link and a bunch of recipes? SO much easier to deal with!! And...

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