by Mary Carver | Mar 29, 2016 | Giving Up on Perfect, parenting
Last week was spring break, so in the tradition of spring breaks everywhere I took Annalyn to the orthodontist and made her help me clean the house half a dozen times and took her on hours-long road trips to look at houses for sale. It was super awesome and fun. We...
by Mary Carver | Mar 1, 2016 | parenting
After being sick for pretty much an entire week, I was anxious to get up Monday and get going. I am perpetually behind on everything, and now I was basically a week more behind than before. After dropping off the girls I came home and settled in at my desk (aka, a TV...
by Mary Carver | Feb 16, 2016 | Books, Movies & TV, parenting
Several months ago I shared a list of 16 children’s books about the library. It was a perfect storm of some of my very favorite things: lists, books, the library. But as I told you then, once I started searching for kids’ books about the library, I...
by Mary Carver | Feb 9, 2016 | parenting
After the Superbowl Mark and I debated the quality of the commercials. Since I had said at once point, “There’s really way too much football going on between commercials,” you can assume that I am much more interested in the winner of the...
by Mary Carver | Oct 6, 2015 | Giving Up on Perfect, parenting
The other day I drove a few hours to have lunch with my friend and her kids. Annalyn had the day off school, so I figured why not? and we took a little road trip. To see our friends. And their baby. Did I mention the baby? We might have been mainly there for my...