I saw Hamilton. Have I mentioned that? Yes? Right. Well, look, you can’t blame me. (You can. You totally can.) After listening to the soundtrack for years and then finally seeing the musical on stage last month, I have had those songs running through my head NONSTOP. And the thing is, while I know the songs well, I don’t know all the words. My ears and brain don’t work that fast, apparently. So I not only have the songs stuck in my head, but I have bits and pieces of the songs. Not even the whole songs!
It’s fine. I’m not mad. I loved the music of Hamilton before and, now that I’ve seen it on stage, I love it even more. The production was just FANTASTIC. All the THUMBS UP from me.
If you want more details about this, you can certainly listen to my podcast episode about it. But I’ll also give you the long-story-short version here. The vocals of every single actor were mindblowing. King George was, by far, the funniest character. I cried through practically the entire show but my tears were from laughter during his scenes. Thomas Jefferson was also, surprisingly, humorous. If I’m honest, I didn’t love the actor who played Alexander Hamilton, but I suppose it would be impossible for anyone to live up to my expectations (and Lin-Manuel Miranda). I didn’t think I’d like Eliza as much as I did, but HOLY COW, her song, Burn, was a doozy! And the best, most surprising part of seeing Hamilton on stage was the stage. The way it was designed and utilized was genius, complemented by intricate background singers and dancers and purposefully created and colored costumes. I knew my ears were in for a treat; I was delighted that my eyes were as well. THUMBS UP!