Last week, for about half a day, I thought I might be pregnant. (I’m not.) As my goal for losing weight this year is just as much about being healthy and prepared for another possible pregnancy (in the future, people, so don’t get any crazy ideas) as it is about lookin’ good, well, this possibility kind of freaked me out.
I know that the complications during my last pregnancy weren’t my fault and might have happened even if I’d been the picture of good health. But I also know my chances of a repeat performance are higher if I don’t lose weight.
So when I had this little episode last week, one of my first thoughts was, “Oh no! Now I won’t be able to lose weight!”
And then I thought, “Well, that’s okay. I’ll just start immediately walking every day and eating lots of fruits and vegetables. And I’ll be so healthy! Yay! I can do this! I will do this!”
And then…then, I thought, “Hunh. Wonder why I couldn’t be this motivated before? Back when it wasn’t too late?”
I mean, really. Why is it that when the time is perfect for doing the right thing, I don’t do it. It’s only when I’m face to face with the consequences of my laziness, my lack of motivation, my sin – it’s then that I’m finally able to find within me the commitment to doing that right thing.
But sometimes it’s too late. Why don’t I act before it’s too late?
Does anyone else have this problem?
I know for me it doesn’t just apply to healthy eating and exercise. This happens with finances and how I talk to my husband and spending enough time with my family and finishing work projects and sharing my faith with a friend and, well, the list is quite long, now that I think about it.
What about you? What do you find yourself waiting – possibly too long – to do? And if you have mastered this habit, how do you motivate yourself before it’s too late?
Hi there! I’m sorry, I don’t know your name, but I keep commenting on Tam’s posts right after you and echoing what you’re saying. lol. It looks like we’ve got a bit in common, so I thought I’d stop over and say hi!
To this post: Oh yeah. We’ve all done it. I haven’t mastered ‘it’ (the tendency to be selfish and put off what I don’t feel like doing) but I do know that one of the BEST things to get over/around it is … great motivation. If I can inspire myself with something about it, then I can see the other side as something desirable. That motivates me.
Great to meet you!
I don’t think I can help you; sorry. But I can definitely relate. It takes a LOT (and often something very bad) to get me motivated. Sadly. :(
you hit the nail on the head! i do that all the time. on almost everything. and to get around it? i’m starting to journal my struggles, my downfall, and my successes. that way i can learn from my own history. hopefully!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! i just read about your complications and the delivery. i had no idea.that is so incredibly SCARY! but at the same time so awesome how God worked. but seriously… i was sitting here crying. i’m so glad you were ok! :-)
HI there PhotoQueen I’ve just popped in from Our Creative Community. Your blog is lovely. I am sorry to read about your pregnancy saga as mine were so lovely. In fact I loved being pregnant – something about the hormones.
I too am managing my weight after having two littlies. I find it is something I am disciplined with and am happy with my weight now – bub no. 2 is 17mths old and I weigh about what I did when I conceived no.1. So you have to be happy with that. The trick for me is to only have food available to me that is healthy and that I can eat. It has been made easier for me in that I have food sensitivities so I end up feeling physically rotten when I don’t eat well. Planning also helps – I shop once a week and only buy what I need for a healthy diet – plus a treat of some form but I always try to make that healthy. I am gathering a list of healthy recipes which might suit you!! You’ll see the listed on my site and I’ll let Our Creative Community know with each new addition.
It is lovely to meet you.
Thanks, Erin – God was so very good through the whole thing!
Cee – thank you for clicking over! You’re right – planning is crucial. I need to get back into planning menus – then I don’t have (as many) excuses!
I love that your goal is health-oriented… I know that might sound trite, but I really mean it. So many of us can approach weight-loss with the wrong motivations.
Thanks, Mandy. It’s been vanity motivated for half my life…and that hasn’t worked…so I’m hoping my chnage in perspective will help me get better results!