“May you never forget what is worth remembering,
nor ever remember what is best forgotten.”
~ Irish blessing
nor ever remember what is best forgotten.”
~ Irish blessing
Memorial Day brings a lot of memories to mind for me. I graduated from high school on Memorial Day weekend. I got married on Memorial Day weekend. And Mark’s mom died shortly after Memorial Day weekend.
It’s a strange combination of memories.
What are you remembering today?
i’m remembering so many people. family members that have served, grandparents that have died, and friends and family that are now serving here and overseas. it’s a good day of remembering!
My parents were married on Memorial day and my mom’s birthday is on the 31st. Its nice to remember those things, but our friend Michael is still in Iraq and still serving so we are remembering him today, too.
I remember I went to my grandpa's funeral the morning of your wedding — Triple & Mad Dog picked me up from the funeral home to drive to KC. Very strange. Memorial Day in general seems like a mixture of feelings though, since you're remembering people who have died and/or people who are serving in the military, but then you're also celebrating summer and barbecuing and all that.
Chelley, I don’t remember that! I’m sorry I forgot. What I remember most about that day (about you guys) is that we sent you to get the cake or something, and you got lost. And then the cake almost fell over. What a stressful day for you!! (Seriously. Because I didn’t know about ANY of it until later!)
Well, I don’t think I wanted to tell you about it then, but I thought I had since then. If not, sorry! (I just didn’t want to stress or discourage you or anything at the time) I don’t really remember the cake almost falling over (but it was crooked at Triple’s wedding too — what is it with crooked cakes??), but I think I remember getting lost. :) It was quite a long time ago… ;)