Ahhh, that was glorious! I knew I would love GLEE. And I did. I loved it. I want more of it. I need more GLEE.

For those of you who have (somehow) missed it, GLEE is a new show on Fox. It debuted after last night’s American Idol, but won’t resume until this fall. The hour-long comedy is about a high school show choir in Ohio. It’s a little bit dark, a lot funny, and I am in love with it.

In the final scene, as the choir performs the Journey song that has been stuck in my head since these previews began, the teacher who has been working with them walks in. And as his eyes teared up, I’m not even kidding – so did mine. It was beautiful.

The end.

Just kidding. You knew I had more to say, right?

First, I have my favorite quotes from last night’s premiere, excluding most of the ones that have been run into the ground in the previews.

  • I’m on my feet four hours a day, three days a week here! Do you see what I have to deal with?
  • My long-distance girlfriend in Cleveland almost broke up with me.
  • Last month they held down a guy and shaved off one of his eyebrows just because he watched Grey’s Anatomy.
  • Look, if it was up to me, we wouldn’t have mandatory bi-weekly locker checks.
  • Every Wednesday we’re going to have a puzzle night, because I know how important it is for you to have a creative outlet.
  • Dr. Phil said that people can change!
  • High school’s over. For both of us. It’s time to move on.
  • She used to be filled with so much joy.
  • You broke the rules. And for that, you must be punished.
  • Don’t you get it, man? We’re all losers.
  • These steps are not hard! I’ve been doing them since preschool.
  • Do you think you could recruit the jazz band? . . I’ve got some pull.
  • And what are you bringing to the table, Justin Timberlake?
  • Being a part of that, in that moment, I knew who I was in the world.
Yes, you guessed it. I was in my high school’s glee club. Of course, we didn’t call it glee club. I didn’t know anyone actually called it that. Maybe it’s an Ohio thing?

Anyway, I was in my school’s show choir. For half the year, we were called Select Chorus and wore tuxedo shirts, cummerbunds and suspenders. I sang in that half of the year.

For the other half, we were called Swing Choir, and we danced. While singing. I accompanied the choir on the piano for that part of the year.

In the spring of my senior year, I did finally dance with the swing choir. And while I wouldn’t call it the best moment of my life (like Will did in GLEE), I will say I enjoyed it. Even though I was so embarrassed to be seen dancing in public. To a Beach Boys song. With jazz hands.

As they say, there is nothing ironic about show choir.

If you missed it, you can watch GLEE on Fox.com. And until it’s up, here’s a preview.

(And if there was ever any doubt this show was made for me, the Fancast page says next to the preview, “You might also like . . .” and guess what’s listed first? Gilmore Girls. And next, Veronica Mars. Apparently, Fancast knows me well.)

Did you watch it? What did you think?


What should you watch next?


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