Last weekend, Smitty came over. We hadn’t seen each other in a few weeks, and we had a lot to catch up on. She asked me an interesting question, one that stuck in my mind, asking over and over, until I finally had an answer.
She asked me, “What movie has truly impacted you?”
The first movie she thought of when she was asked that question was Contact. I can’t remember watching that entire movie, but I know it has some pretty deep questions and implications. So that didn’t seem strange to me.
What was strange was the fact that I just couldn’t think of a movie that’s impacted me. I like a lot of movies. I think I’ve watched a lot of movies. And I’m pretty sensitive, so I feel like I’m affected by a lot of things I watch (and read and hear and . . . well, you get the picture).
But I didn’t have an answer to her question.
The answer came the next morning, as I was driving to meet my cousin for the scrapbook retreat. And I think Smitty will like it, especially because she’s also a “scene” person.
The movie scene that impacted me – and still does – is the scene in Hook where one of the Lost Boys examines Peter, staring at and touching his face until finally, he recognizes his friend.
And he breathes, “Ohhhh. There you are, Peter.”
I don’t know what it is about that scene that gets me. But it gets me every time. I suppose it’s the notion that no matter where you go or what you do, the real you is still somewhere inside.
So now it’s your turn: What movie (or scene) has impacted you?
"The Power of One" comes to mind first. So MANY messages in that one.
Braveheart is another one.
Guess those aren't very girly, are they??? :-D
You know how your mouse turns into a hand whenever it goes over a link? Well, lately mine has just been staying an arrow on youtube play/pause buttons, making it very difficult to view them! Is anybody else having this problem? (I'm not having a problem with anywhere else — for example, a hand showed up when I dragged over your "Hook" link under the movie scene) Anyway, that means I can't watch your clip just yet. I'm also not sure about my answer to your question either. Helpful, aren't I? :)
That sure was an interesting movie, wasn't it? (finally managed to watch the clip) And I forgot that Professor McGonagall was in it! :)
So many many scenes in Hoosiers! Awesome inspirational get-up-and-get-at-'em movie!
Oh…"Facing the Giants"…great movie!
And as far as analogies go "Prince Caspian" gets me every time.
Hey Mary! Just wanted to say thanks again for stopping by my place today. I don't have a movie for you (too tired to think at the moment), but I do LOVE that you quoted Anna Quindlen on your sidebar. Ever since she wrote "Life in the Thirties" I've wanted to be her.
Hope to meet you at She Speaks!
HM, would you believe I haven't seen ANY of the movies you mentioned?
Keri, do you mean the Godfather or whatever that's from…or do you mean "You've Got Mail," where they quote that? ;)
Chelley, it was one of my favorite movies for a long time. I have it on tape. :)
Oh Mary! You HAVE to watch "The Power of One!" You HAVE to! Oh…and "Facing the Giants"… You will probably like "Facing the Giants" better, but I think the message in "The Power of One" is too important to not watch. There is a lot of dramatic, emotional and some violent scenes (it's about apartheid), but definitely something that impacts people. "A waterfall starts with one drop of water, and look what comes from that."
If you are not a big fan of violence or Scotland, you probably won't like "Braveheart" (even though my all-time favorite inspirational quotes come from this movie) and "Prince Caspian" is up to you. I personally like "Prince Caspian" because of all of the analogies to the Christian walk. (Trusting Jesus solely, Not looking elsewhere for help, trusting Him even when you are alone…so many!)
Anyway…rent "Facing the Giants" and "The Power of One"…or buy them! :-D I don't know a single person who doesn't like these two movies…well, my mom doesn't like "The Power of One" but she didn't really watch it all that closely…
The Passion
Porter – ummm, I say Hook and you say The Passion? Yikes. :P
HM – I know! I need to see those. I love reading the Narnia books, but I've only seen the first movie. Can't wait to introduce the books and movies to Annalyn in a few years!
I like that you wrote about this. I know sometimes we feel guilty about how much tv and movies we watch, but that doesn't always mean we have to watch crap. And who's to say what seems like crap isn't totally thought provoking, right? Although, I'm not sure what kind of thought provoking things I'll be seeing on SYTYCD other than I really need to diet and exercise. :)
Good point, Smitty. And I'm not sure what we get out of SYTYCD, either (other than a bigger love and better understanding of dance), but you can bet your remote I'm watching it right now!