How does that song go again? It’s the most stressful time of the year?

What? That’s not it? You mean we’re not supposed to stuff our faces and our calendars so full that we are filled with discomfort and can barely move?


I don’t know about you, but my December tends to fill up and fast. One weekend this month, we’re going out of town to visit friends and family, and I am not even kidding, I’ve had three invitations for that very weekend already.

People, I am not that popular. This month is just that busy!

How about you? Is your planner overflowing? Is your calendar crammed full?

I know. It’s hard not to get sucked into the madness. You want to fit in all your friends and family and traditions and adventures and events and excitement. You don’t want to miss anything. You don’t want to let anyone down.

At least, that’s how I am.

I’m going to try to keep my grip on sanity this year, though. I’m going to hold on to a piece of calm. I’m going to preserve some quiet and stillness. Maybe not much. After all, just because I have high hopes for a holy holiday season doesn’t mean the world of shopping and choir practice and family obligations and cookie exchanges just fade away.

But what if I just commit to a quiet time each week, or each weekend, or even – hold on, I’m about to get crazy – each day between now and Christmas? Could I do that? Could you do that?

What do you think? How can we hold on to the holy and let go of the hectic?


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