Several weeks ago, I received an invitation to a baby shower. It requested the honor of my presence (in not so many words) at a casual brunch for two girls from my church.
I’m friends with one of the girls, but I didn’t know the other girl at all. I checked the guest list (it was an e-vite), though, and saw several of my friends – so I knew it would be fun. I wrote it on my calendar and forgot about it.
Last week, Mark asked me if we had plans for the weekend. I told him that I was going to a shower for Erin F.
And then I started to think . . .
I’m Facebook friends with Erin F – and her husband – so I knew that she was scheduled for a C-section on Thursday. Thursday before the shower.
Hmm, I thought. That’s weird.
Then again, one of my baby showers took place the day after I came home from the hospital. So, I figured, sometimes things like that happen. Maybe she’ll Skype in?
Honestly. This is how my brain works. I really am a logical person, but every once in a while, I find myself arriving at the most ridiculous conclusion possible.
This was one of those times.
It wasn’t until the morning of the shower that it occurred to me that I might not be understanding the situation quite right. As I washed my hair, it dawned on me. The shower wasn’t for Erin F. It was for my good friend, Erin K.!
Or was it? I didn’t know!
Then, because once you enter panic mode the only thing to do is escalate and panic some more, I started questioning my decision to abide by the invitation’s claim that “presents are not required!”
They mean that . . . right?
Remember that nightmare where you show up at school without your clothes? I’m convinced the grown-up version is showing up at a baby shower without a gift.
You’ve probably guessed how this whole thing turned out, but I’ll tell you anyway. First of all, the shower was for my good friend, Erin K. (And Kelly, who I don’t really know but seems very sweet!)
And every other single person at that shower brought a gift. Gifts. Multiple gifts. Gifts were everywhere!
Except in my hand.
I didn’t bring a gift for EITHER Erin!
I don’t really know what happened to me. Normally, I’m a baby shower PRO. I’ve organized so many showers that I no longer need to bother searching online for baby shower games. Or baby décor ideas. Or invitation designs. Or . . . well, you get my point.
I guess everyone has an off day. Last Saturday, I had an off shower.
So – anything embarrassing happen to you lately? Please, share and make me feel better!
Image by soapylovedeb. This post will be linked to Friday Fails at My Blessed Life (in a couple weeks – it’s a monthly carnival).
Embarrassing? Oh boy. My bff, Amy, had a birthday a couple of weekends ago when I was out of town. I sent her a note telling her happy birthday and when I got home we tried to find a time to get together, but had to put it off for about 10 days. We got together this week–went out to lunch and shopping together–and, silly me, I didn’t remember that this was for her birthday until AFTER I GOT HOME!! Today I will be shopping for an appropriate “I’m-so-sorry-I-forgot-your-birthday” gift, along with a really grovelly card, and dropping it off at her house. Ugh.
Shelly, I bet your friend still enjoyed spending time with you. And THAT is always a good gift! (Although I did something similar last month. I took dinner to a friend who’d just had a baby the day before her birthday. And didn’t even mention her birthday while I was there!)
Oh friend…how I feel your pain. I’ll admit…I laughed, but I promise it wasn’t at your expense. ;)
Yesterday I was at the office and my boss shared a story with me about a youth skit that portrayed Heaven vs. Hell….I listened and worked while he talked. Then he randomly threw out there a facebook post he read that was pretty funny:
“A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.”
I piped up (still typing) and said, “That sounds like my he** hole!” But, I meant to say HOUSEhold! I inadvertently combined two words that were swirling in my head and out they spewed!
For the record, I do not view my life at home as a *bleep*hole.
Hmmm…Freudian slip, perhaps? ;) (Kidding!)
I embarrass myself daily.. Yesterday I swung by Walmart after my dentist appointment.. My hubby was home with our son, whose been sick, so I thought I would swing in there…pick up a few things..grab some Wendy’s for lunch and come home.. Well, I did all of that but why oh why did I NOT look in the mirror before going in.. I did just leave the dentist where I was stabbed and stretched.. ok.. not so much.. but they worked a long time cuz my new crown didnt fit.. Anyhoo, I get home with all my treasures, put the cold things up and sit down to eat with my crew when my husband says “What’s all over your face”.. Yep, black stuff and GLUE were smeared ALL OVER MY FACE for all the world to see… At least all the people at Walmart and the non-english speaking dude at the Wendy’s drive thru.. Maybe he did speak english, he just didnt want too cuz he was afraid he would LAUGH if he spoke…
Oh my. Amie, that IS embarrassing! Although I’m sure both Walmart AND Wendy’s have seen worse!
Haha! That’s awesome. Oh my gosh, I’m usually so totally organized and “on” that when I have an off day it really seems to get people all riled up. I recently showed up at a bridal shower for a good friend in jeans and a t-shirt. I’m normally together, but that day I got some strangeee looks. Everyone else was dressed to the nines. Nice. I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide.
Instead, I did what I always do, acted like a baffoon and was loud & boisterous so much so that no one would notice what I was wearing, just how I was acting. That’s okay by me. ;) LOL.
Oh my dear, we all do silly things and have off days. You are not alone!
A few years ago, I forgot that I was going to a meeting on a Friday, so I wore jeans like normal. Then, at the meeting (where I was already feeling WAY underdressed), I ran into a guy from high school. Who, of course, did NOT look underdressed or uncomfortable in the least! Funny how our clothes can make such a difference in our mood and/or confidence. I’m glad you didn’t let your outfit get in your way!
See, why can’t people just say what they mean?? I blame the invitation, not you. >:D<
I actually think the invitation meant what it said, but nobody else listened! ;)
I was so full of fail earlier this week, it hurt. In the same 24 hour period, I no-showed my small group, thus making our small group leader’s kid cry (he really likes playing with my daughter,) forgot to send lunch money for my son, and forgot to write a blog post I’d promised a friend.
Feel better?
Ugh. One of those days where NOTHING goes right, huh? I hope the rest of your week went better!
This was so funny! I’d love to respond with a shared embarrassing moment, but still in speed reading mode these days :-) Maybe I’ll post on my blog in the future and reveal one of the MANY embarrassing moments!
Uh-oh, it’s not a good sign (except for your entertained readers, of course) when you have many moments to choose from! :)