Apparently, when I wrote about keeping a house clean when life happens, I was preparing for The Stomach Flu of 2012. Although, perhaps I should have prepared a bit more, since every counter is covered in dirty dishes, my refrigerator is seriously bare and the laundry . . . well, the victims of the flu have been washed, so that’s something.
Update: Not ALL the victims. *sigh*
I’ve never been a good nurse. For some reason, all my empathy and caregiver instincts fly out the window the second someone in my house is sick. [Especially when said someone is my husband.] After caring for a puking kiddo on Sunday, I wasn’t too sympathetic with a puking husband on Tuesday. I mean, I had an upset stomach, too! Who was taking care of ME? [Yes, you should hear that in the whiny, big baby voice I thought it in.]
Don’t get me wrong. I still brought home Sprite, handed out crackers and piled up germ-infested blankets by the washer. But I didn’t like it. Which is why it’s only fair that my bout with this bug has been longer-lived than Mark’s and Annalyn’s.
I’d really like to say that this flu couldn’t come at a worse time, what with me finishing one project, in the middle of a second and beginning a third. But better this week than next, though. Flying to Nashville for Blissdom just to park it in the bathroom would be real annoying. [Although perhaps hugging an Opryland toilet would be more pleasant than hugging my own. You know, not having a housekeeper here and all?]
So I’m thankful to be sick this week and not next. And I’m even more thankful that my husband is nicer than me and just brought home a 12-pack of 7UP.
Are you a good nurse? Are you going to Blissdom? Will I ever be able to eat again???
(Don’t worry. That last one is hypothetical. And probably payback for posting another cupcake recipe.)
I am a good nurse. I am a lousy patient. ;) I won’t be at Blissdom (boo hoo!), but I hope you have a splendid time and are able to enjoy many yummy offerings!
I hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful time at Blissdom!! I’m a pretty good nurse, but my husband is an amazing one.
Hope you feel better soon! I’m still hoping to get out to Opryland to say hi to everyone. I’ll keep you posted on the whens and hows.
Ughhh, so sorry to hear that you’ve all been so sick, and that you’ve been suffering through it the longest!! :( Yay for Mark bringing home some 7Up! Love that stuff when I’m sick. I think I’m a good nurse, but when I have a Fibro flare-up I have a reallyyyy hard time being sympathetic to hubby. No kids to watch after, but whenever my friends get sick I try to step up and help whenever possible. Praying for you!!
So, so sorry you’ve been sick. All three of my little ones had it about forty-eight hours apart last week … I’m still catching up (and only slightly pleased their daddy got it when they went to visit him!). Feel better soon!
I love your honesty here! I can totally relate:) I am a bad nurse because I slip into thinking “Don’t I do enough around here on an average day, when I still can’t get to my own to-do list? Do I really have the energy for this extra service?” Truly humbling.
I hope you all feel better Real soon, and you can get back to “normal”. This sick stuff has been tough this year. (husband usually make the worse patients, at least in my opinion. I love him, but bless his heart!).
Yep, I’m a bad nurse here too. I think part of the lack of sympathy is that I got the flu from the kids when hubby was working so there was no one to take care of me. So, when he got sick, I figured it was his turn to see how “easy” it was to take care of the house and kids when sick.
Thanks for making me feel less bad. I had a horrible migrane yesterday, and it hit me while my hubby was caring for me (he is great at it) that I too am a horrible nurse. Something about him being all needy just makes me roll my eyes. Praying for God to give me the grace to serve him better from now on :)
Oh yeah. Grace and a servant’s heart are definitely what I need to pray for, too! My husband had a bad headache this morning and the best I could muster up was, “Have you taken something for it? Fine. Do you want ME to get you the advil?” :)